Orchid care at home
Beautiful, extraordinary flowers orchids fascinate everyone who is with them near. Of course, not every florist will decide to start them, because orchids require special attention to themselves, and are not cheap. But if they appear in your house, then you will not have to regret.
Orchids are distributed almost throughout the earthlyball, but most of them are in the tropical forests of southeast Asia and America. If you believe the experts, then there are about 30 thousand species and as many varieties. But the number of hybrids created by man exceeds 17 million. The color of orchids affects their wealth: white, purple, tender pink, dark red, bright orange, maroon, greenish, blue, sunny yellow, with various specks and patterns - And that is not all. The assortment of flowers is large enough. It is better for beginners to choose easy to grow orchids: cattleya, miltonia, dendrobium, tsimbidium, tsologinu and phalaenopsis.
Orchid: home care
One of the important problems is that they need high humidity. Dusty and dry air does not tolerate an orchid. Therefore, for growing orchids at home, it is recommended to create a small room greenhouse.
Plant orchids in the same way as all other indoor plants. Before filling the earth in the bottom of the pot you need to doseveral punctures. As a drainage it is recommended to use clay and bark, and the best is the pine bark. Plant orchids should only be in plastic pots. Ceramic are not suitable: the roots are tightly attached to the walls, and when transplanting an orchid it will be impossible to get out of the container without damage. The pot should not be spacious, the main thing is that the roots fit in. If the orchid has lost some of the roots (or even all), you need to pick up a smaller pot than the one in which it was before. Transplant most species only when the roots overflow the pot.
If you grow orchids in pots, then their Watering practically does not differ from the watering of other indoor plants. For watering these plants is bestUse a watering can with a long nose, trying not to pour water into the center of the rosette of leaves. If water still got there, it must be removed, otherwise rot may appear. For watering use warm water at a temperature of 30-45 C. It is advisable to water the flowers with soft water - for this you will need a good water filter, or about 20% of peat in the soil substrate. Too mild distilled water can not be used for irrigation, it should be diluted with ordinary tap water, in a ratio of 1: 1.
Spraying orchids, remember a few simple rules.
Do not spray plants that are exposed to direct sunlight - this can lead to burns.
Do not spray plants in cold weather and in winter. The water evaporating from the leaves can cause their hypothermia, which, in turn, will lead to the development of diseases.
Time for spraying plants should be chosen so that by night they must dry out.
Spray plants can only be sprayed, which forms water dust, and only until the formation of droplets on the leaves.
During the growth period it is important to feed your orchid. Fertilizers are applied at intervals of 10-14 days, and ininterruptions between top dressings wash the substrate for the soil with clean water. In spring, at the beginning of the growth period, it is possible to carry out foliar dressing of plants with a solution of microelements or a 0.1-0.2% solution of nitrogen.