How to make a kite?

Speaking in scientific language, a kite is tethering aircraft heavier than air. He is held in the air by the force of the wind. The first kites appeared in China in the II century BC. For a long time they served just for fun, but then they found their application in scientific research.
There are several types of kites independing on the shape and arrangement of the aerodynamic surfaces, as well as the design of the snake. One of the easiest to manufacture and therefore the most popular types of kite is flat serpent. Such a snake consists of:
frame (made of planks);
thick paper (serves as an aerodynamic surface);
wire rope;
tail (gives stability to the structure);
bridle (connects the leer and tail with a kite).
Despite the standard set of elements, it is possible to make a kite differently, giving it a different shape. So, one of the easiest to make kinds of flat snake is gyroscope. The country of the Soviets will tell you how to make a kite of this type.

The frame "top" consists of two racks. For the main staff (A), take a straight line anda smooth wooden bar length of 45.72 cm and a section of 0.64 x 0.95 cm and make a notch on its lower end. For the upper curved part of the frame (B), a flexible rod 40.64 cm long and about 0.64 cm in diameter will fit. At its ends, also, notches are made. Then the rack B should be given a curved shape (the depth of the bend in the center is 8.89 cm) and fix it by fixing to each end of the rail a screed C made of a very strong thread.
The middle of the B-rail must be attached to the upper end of the A-rail using strong threads, carefully glued with quality glue. This connection determines the strength of the whole frame, so it must be very neat anddurable. Now establish the framework ties using strong threads. It is necessary to tie the thread to one end of the rail B, pass it through the notch in the lower part of the rail A and tie it to the other end of the rail B. Do not tighten the thread too much - the screed and so takes on the main load.
Then you can wrap a frame with paper, tracing paper or parchment. Take a large sheet of paper, put on itframe and draw a pencil on the contour. Then, along the entire contour, you need to make an indent for the fold (3.18 cm), circle and cut the skin along this contour. If you want to make a kite beautiful, you can somehow decorate the skin.
Then the cover is glued to the rail A. Take care that wrinkles do not form, and the paper does not tear. When the glue is dry, you need to make V-shaped incisions along the edges of the skin at the same intervals. Then you need to glue the gland B and the outer surface of the bends. Now bend the tightness through the side screeds and the rail B. For strength, you can glue the edges of the paper strips.
When the covering is dry, attach the bridle. The bridle is made of a strong thread, looks likeloop and is attached to the rail A in the places marked in the figure. In order to attach it, you have to pierce the skin. To ensure that it does not tear further, the puncture points will need to be fastened with washers from the cardboard glued to the skin.
Then it is necessary to attach to the lower end of the rod Atail. The tail is made from a cord with a length of 140 cm, to which at a distance of 15 cm from each other are attached folded pieces of paper (length - 10 cm). Then the tench is attached to the bridle with the help of reef and talking center (see the figures). These knots allow you to adjust the slope of the snake.

Lin need to bind slightly above the center of gravity. To determine it, you need to put a snake onA wooden rod located perpendicular to the main rack, so that the snake has reached equilibrium. At the intersection of the rod and rod and there will be a center of gravity, it should be marked with a pencil.
It remains to wrap the tench on the reel - and the snake is ready! You can try to run it and make sure that making a kite is not so difficult, but the pleasure of its launch is the sea.
Based on R. Harold's book "How to make and launch a kite"