Twisting: how to make figurines from balloons?Do you know how to make figures from ... air? And from balloons? With the help of twisting you will learn to do it! What is twisting? What are the basic techniques of twisting? How to make a dog from balls? The Country of Councils will tell about it.

Twisting is the art of creating a variety of figures from balloons. You have probably seen more than once how cleverly and quicklymasters of twisting at a street fair are twisted from a long balloon - "sausages" of funny animals: dogs, rabbits, tigers, etc. You too can learn this: twisting is easily mastered by both adults and children.

For twisting, one or more balloons of an elongated shape are required, depending on the figure. Balls should not be inflated to the very end, otherwise they may burst from overpressure: after inflating the balloon to the required length, it is necessary to lower the air a little.

The basic method of twisting is twisting (in fact, this means the word "twisting"). Twisting must necessarily begin from the "neck" of the balloon - then the air as the ball is twisted will be "pushed" to the "tail" of the ball, where there is free space (because the ball is not inflated).

Twist the balloon necessarily in one direction, all movements are performed with one hand - this is the basic rule of twisting. The movement of turning and winning the ball is called twist, the inflated part of the ball between two twists is called bladder, and the place of twist - splice. A special bubble in the tail of an inflated ball is called ottoman.

The size of bubbles is usually chosen as follows:

  • small - 2.5 cm

  • average - 3.75 - 5 cm

  • large - 5 - 7,5 cm

Twisting is performed using several basic techniques. Reception "simple twist" is performed by scrolling a portion of the balloon about its axis several times. The resulting bubble can not be released, otherwise the twist will spin.

If using simple twisting get threebubble in a row (i.e., consistently twist three parts of the balloon), and then, having folded the second and third bubbles, twist them several times around the joints of the first and third bubbles, then reception will receive "lock". Bubbles will not spin.

Of the three bubbles of different sizes, of which the smallest is in the center, an ear is obtained: it is necessary to fold the first and third bubbles, and the middle bubble with the forefinger and thumb of the free hand to twist several times.

"Twist with an inflection" is performed in this way: make three bubbles, the middle of which is big, and then holding together the first and third bubbles, you should lightly pull the middle bubble, fold it in half and twist several times.

Reception is more difficult - it's a "tulip". To perform this twisting it is necessary with the help ofthe index finger of the free hand push the knot of the balloon throat inward (about half a finger), with the second hand grasp the knot of the throat through the ball, then gently release the finger and make the twist. It turned out a bud of "tulip".

Having mastered the basic techniques of twisting, you can make your first twisting figure. For example, with the help of the reception "lock" alone you can get a cute dog!

How to make a dog from a ball?

To make a dog from a ball, it is necessary to take an air ball-sausage and inflate it, leaving not inflated about 15 cm "tail".

Next, you have to roll 3 small bubbles in a row. Using the "lock" reception to connect 2 and 3 bubbles - turned out dog ears.

Next, one small bubble should be twisted - this dog's neck. Then, 2 more bubbles of medium length are twisted. front paws of the dog.

The resulting three bubbles are connected by the reception "lock".

Next, one big bubble should be twisted - it will be dog's body. Then 2 more bubbles of medium length are twisted - dog's hind legs.

The resulting three bubbles are again connected by the reception "lock".

Twisting is a fun and exciting activity, and the received amusing figures can become an ornament of a children's holiday, an excellent gift. Try twisting and give yourself a sea of ​​positive!

Twisting: how to make figurines from balloons?
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