The best varieties of raspberries - descriptions, planting and care, photo

Raspberry is one of the most valuable berry crops,has unique taste and medicinal properties. Indeed, curative tea with raspberry jam is an effective preventative against many colds. And how many fairy tales and songs, in which this fragrant and tender berry is mentioned! Raspberry was considered a natural "healer" even in ancient times - of course, at that time people knew only wild forest berries. Today, a variety of raspberry varieties are grown, which are distinguished by taste, color, yield and other characteristics.

All varieties of raspberries can be divided into:

  • traditional - well "adjusted" to certain weather and climatic conditions

  • Large-fruited - give large tasty berries with amazing aroma

  • remontant - have the ability to bear fruit twice a season

Each of the species has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, let's consider in more detail the most common varieties.

The best traditional raspberry varieties: description from photo

Raspberry "Kaliningrad"

The best varieties of raspberries - descriptions, planting and care, photo

This raspberry variety of the average ripening period hasGerman "roots", was derived in 1922. The bush is up to 2.5 meters high, with thick shoots, which turn brown by autumn. The berries are red, round in shape, weighing up to 3.2 grams each. The raspberry taste is sweet and sour, with a pleasant aroma. However, berries are not recommended for transportation at a distance - it is better to use fresh or to process on the spot. The yield is from 8 to 10 t / ha. For raspberries of this variety, average frost resistance is characteristic, as well as low "resistance" to diseases. According to reviews, "Kaliningrad" requires constant care and gives few root offspring.

Malina "Malakhovka"

The best varieties of raspberries - descriptions, planting and care, photo

Refers to early ripening varieties. A shrub of medium height, the ability to form shoots - up to 10 pieces per meter. Shoots of medium spiny, waxy plaque thick, and thorns hard and prickly. The berries are red, in the form of a cone, with a delicate taste. The virtues of the variety include resistance to spider mites and to winter desiccation. However, the plant has an average winter hardiness and is prone to gray rot.

Raspberry "Marlboro"

The best varieties of raspberries - descriptions, planting and care, photo

It is considered one of the most "ancient" becausewas withdrawn as far back as 1882, in the USA. In our latitudes has gained popularity due to high frost resistance and yields - from 12 to 15 tons / ha. However, in the case of insufficient care, the plant is often attacked by pests - raspberry, moth, weevil. A tall erect raspberry bush has a good ability to form shoots. The color of green annual shoots at the end of the growing season changes to reddish-violet. An important advantage of the variety is its transportability.

Raspberry "Volnitsa"

The best varieties of raspberries - descriptions, planting and care, photo

Culture of medium-term maturation, universal. The height of the bush is medium, two-year-old shoots of light brown color, with a slight spiny. Shoots-"one-year-olds" are brown, without an edge, and the leaves are dark green. The mass of one berry reaches 4 grams, the shape resembles a "dull" cone. The taste is sweet and sour, with a slightly pronounced flavor. The content of sugar and acid is 8.9%, and of vitamin C - 24.2 mg. Variety "Volnitsa" has a high resistance to frost, garden pests and diseases. The average yield per hectare is 34 centners. As evidenced by the reviews of gardeners, "Volnitsa" is convenient to collect, since the berry keeps well on the fruit and does not "fall apart" in the hands. In addition, there are no worms in it.

The best varieties of large-fruited raspberries: description with photo

Raspberry "Arbat"

The best varieties of raspberries - descriptions, planting and care, photo

Bred by Moscow breeders on the basis ofCrossing two hybrids from Scotland. One of the best large-fruited medium-early varieties, with a high yield - up to 5 kg from the bush. The berries are bright red, conical in shape, with a sweet taste and a delicate aroma. The weight of one berry reaches 15 - 18 grams! The bushes are large and sprawling, on each of which up to 12 shoots are formed (without spines). Variety "Arbat" is well tolerated by low temperature regimes, up to -30 ° C. But with more severe frosts, raspberry bush should be bent to the ground, under a snow cover. To garden pests and diseases good "immunity".

Raspberry "The Golden Giant"

The best varieties of raspberries - descriptions, planting and care, photo

Refers to large-fruited varieties andcharacterized by high yields - up to 8 kg of fruit from a single plant. The berries are large dark golden, weighing from 8 to 14 grams each. An unusual shade pleases the eye, and the flesh of the fruit and melts in the mouth. This dessert variety has a high winter hardiness. However, it is not recommended to transport berries for long distances.

Raspberry "Terenty"

The best varieties of raspberries - descriptions, planting and care, photo

One of the best large-fruited varieties,developed by domestic breeders. The weight of one berry is up to 15 grams, and the yield from one bush is 6 to 10 kg. The shape of the berries is conical, the color is purple-red. The taste is pleasant, rich, with a pronounced "crimson" taste. It tolerates transport well, and is also resistant to garden pests and diseases.

The best varieties of raspberry raspberry: description with photo

Raspberry "Polka"

The best varieties of raspberries - descriptions, planting and care, photo

European variety, which is famous for highproductivity - up to 12 t / ha. The main part of the fruits give shoots this year - on the bushes formed 25 - 30 flowers. Variety "Polka" is resistant to fungal diseases, and the fruiting period starts from the beginning of August and ends with the first frosts. This feature, combined with good transportability makes the variety extremely beneficial for growing and selling. According to reviews, raspberries are ideal for fresh consumption - it does not "flow" for a long time, but after defrosting it keeps density and shape.

Raspberry "Crane"

The best varieties of raspberries - descriptions, planting and care, photo

This early variety of raspberry raspberry growshigh sprawling bushes with powerful shoots. The berries are of ruby ​​color, of regular conical shape, and their mass is up to 3.5 grams. Due to good taste qualities, as well as long fruiting (to the frosts), the variety is very popular among gardeners. Resistance to fungal diseases is average.

What sorts of raspberries are suitable for the middle belt of Russia and the suburbs?

For the cultivation of raspberries they use remontant varieties that tolerate early frosts well. Therefore, in the central zone of Russia and the Moscow region, good yields are given by such varieties:

  • "Polka" - sweet aromatic berries

  • "Gusar" - perfectly withstand the cold and easy to grow

  • "Amber Sadko" - large yellow fruit

The best varieties of raspberries - descriptions, planting and care, photo

Despite the harsh climate, the Urals and Siberia are also successfully growing raspberries. For this purpose it is better to use early ripening varieties:

  • "Penguin" - frost-resistant and fructifies almost all summer

  • "Golden Autumn" - large-berry yellow raspberries of medium late maturity

  • "Cap of Monomakh" - well tolerates frosts and gives sweet berries

What is the best raspberry variety for summer cottage?

In the suburban areas in our latitudes is bestto cultivate repair varieties with high frost resistance. The best varieties of raspberries for cottages are: "Indian summer", "Beglyanka", "Peresvet", "Arbat", "Golden giant" and others. Berries of these cultures have an excellent taste, and also serve as a good raw material for canning.

Raspberry: planting and care in the open ground

The best varieties of raspberries - descriptions, planting and care, photo

For planting raspberries it is better to choose a site alongFences - where snow accumulates well. Soil is fertilized with manure, compost or other organic fertilizers. From mineral we choose superphosphate (50 - 60 gr.), Potassium salt or wood ash (300 g / m2).

Raspberries are best planted at the end of September or in the spring,after melting snow (April). Planting is carried out in a ribbon way - in separate rows or bushes, in pre-prepared wells measuring 40 by 50 cm. The roots of the plants should be dipped into a clay of the clay and then planted in the ground. The upper part of the planting material is cut 15 to 20 cm from the ground.

Each plant is watered with water (from the bucket calculationon a bush) and mulch with humus or compost. In the summer it is necessary to weed out the weeds periodically and loosen the soil. How do you know if the plants are watered enough? If the moisture is low, then a slight increase in shoots is observed.

Formation of bushes is carried out in the first two years - for this, after harvesting, cut damaged, weak and seeded shoots.

In the eighth or tenth year, raspberries needtransplant to another place, and on the former grow vegetables or flowers. The plant needs to be sheltered, so at the first October frosts, the shoots are bent to the ground and fixed with hooks.

Reproduction of raspberries is carried out with the help of root offspring with intact kidneys on the root neck.

The best strawberries for our region look here

Planting raspberries and leaving it outdoors requires constant attention and patience. However, a rewarding gardener will be a generous harvest of medicinal, juicy and fragrant berries.

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