The summer flew by with its blooming days. The golden season of the chic autumn came, having wonders to work in a cozy warmth. Rudders are not bored, there are so many opportunities to create beauty in long evenings ... All this is great, but roses are no longer in the garden .. And we will be sorceresses and keep the beauty of roses in a small, but very necessary gadget - in the needle bed, which we sew ourselves . Our today's master class will be devoted to this.

Necessary materials:

  1. Felt green, red, yellow, orange (you can choose your favorite color gamut)

  2. Filler (sintepuh or sintepon)

  3. Several beads of black and white color

  4. Several small pearl beads

  5. Ring from scotch

  6. Two circles, cut from cardboard (one on the outer circumference of the ring, the second - on the inside.

  7. Glue "Moment" -Crystal

  8. Scissors

  9. Needle and cotton threads of felt color

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut out the felt strip from the felt with the height and the length of the ring circumference from the scotch tape. We sew the short cuts of our felt tape first by sewing the seam. Then sew a circle of felt to the circumference of the tape.

    We stick to the ring of sticky tape a cardboard circle cut out on the outer circumference of the ring.

  2. Then we put on the ring our sewn "skirt".

  3. We fill our bedside with half sintepon.

  4. And on top of it, put the second circle of cardboard. You ask, for what? If you do not put this circle, needles will be buried in the bed, they will be difficult to get.

  5. We cover our needle bed with the second circle of green felt and begin to join the seam with the suture seam. We sew not to the end, leaving a small hole for filling the needle bed with sintered cotton. When they are stuffed, sew up the hole.

  6. We proceed to the decor of the needle bed. First, make out the leaves. From the felt we cut out the leaves (See Figure 1). Then, on the leaves, we cut out the denticles, and embroider the "skeleton" with a thread, slightly tightening the sheet, giving it a small volume.

  7. From the felt cut out the blanks for roses - circlesof different size and color, cut them in a spiral, leaving a small circle in the middle (See Figure 1). Then, with a needle and thread, we sew the edge of the rose and, reeling up the needle from the edge to the center, we form a bud.

    The glue drops on the center fix the rose on the circle and cut the thread. So we form a few buds.

  8. We paste the leaves and roses on the needle bed so that the seam of the tape is closed.

  9. So we made the needle bed with our own hands. You just need to insert the needles and that's it.

  10. You can stop at this stage. But we did not have enough in the décor of summer and the smell of dew. So we decided to make a little ladybird. From the remnants of red felt we cut out two details of the back and one tummy (See Figure 1). Sew the backrest along the outer edge. Then sew the abdomen, leaving a smalla hole, fill it with a synthepoo and sew a hole. We glue the head of black felt and sew black beads on the back, and white we attach as an eye. Round the roses we sew beads-pearls, making them live »dew. Well, quite another matter. Our needle bed is alive.

Now in your house on winter evenings roses will bloom and buzz beetles.

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