Magnet-snowman from felt to the refrigerator, master class with photo
To decorate a house for the New Year holidays is a matter,certainly, pleasant, but because not less troublesome. Most often the main question is: "What to decorate ?!". Of course, the traditional Christmas tree always waits for its time on the balcony, the doors can be decorated with Christmas wreaths, the walls can be hung with garlands and tinsel. But after all the festive atmosphere consists of small things - and this trifle may well be magnets on the fridge made of felt, made by own hands. And what can remind of the New Year more than a snowman? The most beautiful thing is that you can attract to the process of creating your child, so a fun and productive evening is guaranteed to you!
Necessary materials:
white felt
red felt
fabric for a scarf (here checkered)
orange felt for nose-carrots
wire - strong, but flexible
two buttons
two small pompons for headphones
beads - 6-8 pieces
Magnet-snowman from felt - detailed instructions:
To start, you need a template - you cancut out of any thick paper. The height of our snowman is about 15 cm, you can do more or less as you like. By pattern, we cut out two figures of a future snowman from white felt, prepare a wire - a piece about 8 cm long, but it is better to attach to the template and determine. The wire is the hands of a snowman. Lubricate the white felt with glue, carefully put the wire and cover with a second layer of felt. This process looks like this:Covered with a second layer:
Now we cut out mittens from red felt, they will also be glued on the wire, so we need four of them. Glued, as shown in the picture:
Mittens are ready! It's time to start a scarf. We have a checkered fabric, but we can take any that you have - it will take quite a bit. Strip folded twice, wrapped around the neck of a snowman and tied. The ends of the scarf can be cut with scissors - you will get a cheerful fringe. It can also be glued with glue and fixed on a snowman - so the scarf will not stick;
Responsible stage - we proceed to the face of oursnowman. From the orange felt we cut out the nose-carrot - if you have scissors with a figured edge, you can cut them, no - the usual ones will also suit perfectly. Gently stick the nose, eyes and mouth of beads - the beads should be taken with tweezers, so as not to smear in the glue and put them in their place as accurately as possible;
Now we again take the wire - we make it from itheadphones. Bend it gently, fix the red pom-poms on the ends of the wire. They need to be greased with glue - they will hold the headphones on the head;
Do not forget about the buttons - they are senta snowman on his stomach just under the scarf. You can attach a beautiful rope to the headphones and use it as a Christmas tree decoration, or you can take a magnet, glue it on your back and send it to the refrigerator - that's how you get the excellent magnets from felt with your own hands.
Do not be afraid to experiment - you canuse a variety of fabrics, colors and textures focus on the style in which your home is decorated, and what materials you already have. Make your own magnets from felt to the fridge - it's not difficult, you need some free time, desire and maybe a little helper!