Quilling butterfly

Quilling is a wonderful paper art,which is liked by adults and small children. With its help you can make a stand-alone product or a fantasy decoration for a paper postcard, a Christmas tree, gift wrapping, Easter eggs.

The basic principles of working with quilling paper are very simple. One has only to try, and quilling will become the favorite activity for all needleworkers.

How to make a quilling butterfly, a master class

You will need:

toothpick, awl or special quilling needle

Quilling adhesive or conventional adhesive for paper

2 blue strips of quilling paper 16 centimeters

1 yellow strip of quilling paper 12 centimeters

2 green strips for quilling 11.5 centimeters

1 purple stripe 5 centimeters

Quilling butterfly

Step-by-step instruction:

For a ready-made butterfly you need 1 ovalyellow paper stock, 2 large teardrop blanks of blue paper, 2 small drop-shaped blanks of green paper, a purple strip bent in half.

In order to make blanks, strips of paperit is necessary to wind on the working tool. Combine the tip of the strip for quilling with the stitch of the toothpick or quilling needles. Turn the tool away from yourself, wrapping a strip.

Quilling butterfly

Continue winding a strip of paper until you get a tight spiral.

Quilling butterfly

Remove the spiral from the tool. If desired, you can fix the tip of the spiral both tight and loose.

Quilling butterfly

In order to dissolve the workpiece, you need to release the fingers and allow the spiral to straighten to the desired size.

Quilling butterfly

Spray the tip of the spiral with a small amountglue, fasten. After closing (sealing) the workpiece, you have to squeeze it from one side to get a teardrop shape. Also, by compression, we get an oval shape.

Quilling butterfly

So you need to prepare the necessaryelements for a butterfly shape. Violet billet with a tool or nails twist to turn the curled antennae of the butterfly. Lay the workpieces on a flat horizontal surface.

Quilling butterfly

Using glue to join the workpieces into a shapebutterflies. Gently press down so that the elements are connected to each other. The proposed variant can become a basic one, but by changing the shape of the blanks, you can create completely different butterflies.

Quilling butterfly

Fantasy should be the best adviser in creating paper works of art.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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