valentines day card

It is believed that the first postcards-valentinesappeared in the XIV century and represented a gentle message-note, which corresponded to the separated lovers. Romantic Frenchmen have introduced the tradition of writing ardent quatrains with recognitions in valentines, and in England for the first time a letter or a note turned into a card, which was undoubtedly adorned with hearts, angels and other symbols of love.

There is an opinion that it is thanks to the British thathandmade valentines, which remain popular in our time, have become widespread. We propose to follow the tradition and make a postcard for a loved one or a loved one with our own hands.

Volumetric Valentine's Day Card for Valentine's Day: step by step instruction

  1. First of all we will prepare everything necessary. We will need: dense white paper or cardboard, scissors, glue for paper, colored crayons (or any pencils, markers or paints).

  2. To make the postcard smooth and beautiful,it is better to print out preforms in advance - two sheets, one of which will be the base, and the second - the inner volume. If there is no printer at hand, you can draw the sample yourself, but in this case it's important to keep the symmetry and keep the proportions so that the inside does not protrude beyond the edges of the folded postcard and is attached so that the valentine can fully open.How to make a card to Valentine's Day with your own hands

  3. In order for the inner half of the postcard to bend better, work out the fold lines (dotted lines) by pressing the round side of the paper clip or the pen without ink.

  4. Carefully cut out the heart, strictly repeating the black outlines - not stepping up for them, but not leaving.How to make a card to Valentine's Day with your own hands

  5. Now from the resulting blank you need to create a three-dimensional element - to bend all the parts in a certain order. First you need to put the heart dotted lines up.

  6. Gently bend the heart along the center line to the right and carefully fix the fold.

  7. Now grasp the small heart-petal and carefully, keeping the fold line, bend it to the half of the big heart.How to make a card to Valentine's Day with your own hands

  8. The same thing you need to do with the second small heart - gently turn the heart, at the same time ironing it with the scissors knives, so that the folds are more stable.

  9. And likewise, bend the small heart to the left to the half of the big one.

  10. Open the resulting three-dimensional heart, and"Practice" so that it will develop and unfold well, if you hold on to small hearts. Then paint this part from the outside (where there are no dotted lines) in any way - wax crayons, pencils, markers, text markers or any colors. For a special solemnity, you can decorate a large heart with decorative luster or paillettes. It is desirable that the big heart be traditional shades - pink or red, and small hearts - differed in color and were the same.How to make a card to Valentine's Day with your own hands

  11. Now you can put the inner part aside and prepare the outer one. Cut the second blank strictly along the black borders.How to make a card to Valentine's Day with your own hands

  12. Prepare the fold line, "walking" on it with a paper clip and bend the sheet in half with the printed pattern inside.

  13. For each heart, carefully apply clerical glue.How to make a card to Valentine's Day with your own hands

  14. Apply to the glazed parts of the inside of the small hearts of the bulk half and gently hold until the glue is fixed.

  15. After the glue dries, you can close the card - check whether everything turned out right.How to make a card to Valentine's Day with your own hands

  16. When everything is ready, it remains only to write a romantic confession inside your valentine.

Read also:

  • Postcard in scrapbooking technique

  • Volumetric Valentine's Day

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