Souvenir "Ovechka" for New Year from polymer clay: how to make, step by step master-class
On New Year's friends and colleagues are accepted to givenice little gifts. If you are tired of monotonous magnets and figurines with the symbols of the coming year, then we propose to take matters into our own hands, and in the literal sense of the word. Today our master class will teach you how to make a souvenir of polymer clay with your own hands.
Souvenir for the New Year
Polymer clay - a unique material, because fromhe can sculpt all that the soul wills. For the master class we have chosen a souvenir in the form of a sheep: firstly, it is a charming animal, secondly, an ideal gift in the year of the sheep, and, thirdly, it is always suitable as a presentation for Aries. By the way, we are planning to create not a trinket, but a very useful thing - a keychain. It's time to get down to business and get the right materials:
polymer clay of 3 colors: white, peach and lilac
Drawing tool "goat leg" or compasses
awl, thick needle and stack
A brush and varnish for polymer clay (optional)
The main color of our craft is white, so thisclay will need the most. Lilac can be replaced with a gentle pink or any other (we will make horns from it). Mastic is better to take the classic Fimo. Do not forget to pick up and the surface for modeling, for example, glass or ceramic.
We make a souvenir-sheep
After all is ready, we start to make our New Year's souvenir. We roll two balls: white - more and cream - smaller.
We begin work with him. We take an awl, apply a plane to the material and press. It should be a deep enough groove.
By the way, it passes not in the middle, but closer to the top of the ball.
Here it is a blank for the muzzle of a sheep. Now take the white mastic and gently flatten your fingers.
Should get a pancake 2 mm thick, in which a beige ball could be wrapped. That's what we're doing.
We turn only the back part.
When you have connected the parts, we proceed to the truejewelry work - the formation of curls. The smaller and more accurate they will be, the nicer your New Year's souvenir will look. Draw each curl with the help of the needle of the compass, but do not press strongly, otherwise, there is a risk to pierce the "head" through and through. Notice how this is done in the photo.
After the sheep will receive its fur, it is necessary to insert a hook. Check that it is exactly in the middle of the crown.
On both sides of the hook will be at the souvenirsheep ears! They should be placed absolutely symmetrically, so if you do not trust the eye, arm yourself with a tailor's meter or ruler. Ears are made of beige mastic: roll two small identical balls, then slightly flatten them.
The form is required not round, but drop-shaped. After we have made two identical parts, we make them look like sheep's ears: gently press the tip of the needle onto our "leaves".
The grooves are very nice.
It remains to attach the ears to the head as shown in the step-by-step photos.
Horns - the main decoration of our New Year's souvenir, so we proceed to their modeling. We make 2 balls of lilac clay, roll them into the same "sausages" 2 cm in length and 0.5 cm in diameter.
Armed with a stack, perform a crosscut at equal intervals. It turns out somewhere 3-4 rings.
We begin to twist the horns, they should resemble shells.
We place them just above the ears.
The head is almost finished, there are onlygive the muzzle the appropriate expression. Sheep can be fun or sad, we will gently draw the mouth with the tip of the needle. Nose - two holes, and eyes - tiny beads of black mastic.
The whole body we will not sculpt: we will make a small white ball and draw the curls as we did on the "mane".
We connect all the details and send the product to the oven. Carefully read the instructions on the packaging of polymer clay. The cooled product can be varnished.
We have finished modeling of a souvenir from polymer clay! Time took only 30 minutes, and the lamb came out lovely, it will definitely bring joy to both the donor and the recipient.