How to eat right in fasting
What you can not eat in Lent

Every year observing Orthodox fastsbecomes more and more. Despite the severe food restrictions during Lent, their undoubted benefits to the body are confirmed by scientists. Fasting is a wonderful occasion not only to put in order thoughts and feelings, but also to significantly improve your body, removing from it "garbage", accumulated for all time food sausages and other fast food (the usual meal of modern man).

At first glance, it seems that the limitations,imposed by fasting, it is almost impossible to load. Togo can not be (meat), and this (milk, cheese, kefir) - too ... However, if you approach the organization of food is reasonable and not be lazy to prepare useful food (instead of choking every day with buckwheat), then the process will be surprisingly easy.

What can you eat in fasting?

How to eat right in fasting
What is in Great Lent by day

The list of "allowed" products, in fact, is very impressive. it

  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, wheat, etc. From time immemorial in Russia they were the basis of nutrition. And it is not accidental, because they contain so-called "useful" carbohydrates, so, eating porridge, you can say goodbye for a long time with hunger.

  • pasta. Absolutely any!

  • beans: peas, beans, lentils. In addition, they are tasty in themselves, they are also very useful, because they contain a large amount of protein (so that they will successfully replace meat).

  • vegetables, fruits and dried fruits: their undoubted merit - a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements. And you can eat them both fresh and canned. In the latter, of course, there are fewer useful substances, but they are still present. Yes, and diversify the diet allow.

  • so-called "non-fish" seafood: sea ​​cabbage, mussels, squid, shrimp, etc. - it's all in its pure form, easily digestible protein, which, besides taste, is also beneficial to the body. And if you consider that they are combined with almost all of the "allowed" in the post products, then the options for meals are limited only by the imagination of the fasting (or his laziness, manifested when you need to look for a delicious recipe).

  • Nuts: there are a lot of them - proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

  • soya and products from it:wand-zashchalochka for those who do not think of life without "banned" meat, milk, cheese. Soy products (for example, tofu cheese, imitation meat), of course, are not very useful - we do not know how they were cooked, however, if necessary, to "deceive" the body, "pamper" it.

As you can see, the list of "allowed" fastingproducts is quite extensive. And, if you make an invention, then you can eat in the post quite varied and tasty. Salads, cereals, soups and even desserts - everything can be present in the post on the table!

How to eat right in fasting
What you can eat in a post: list

Of course, the process of cooking, perhaps,will take a little longer than usual - after all, cook "quickly" pasta with sausages or dumplings from the store bundle will not succeed. However, if you are not too lazy, and think through the menu in advance, then the "right" food will be ready on time.

For example, instead of the usual pouringmuesli with yogurt for breakfast, still cook yourself porridge in the evening, and in the morning just slightly warm it up, you're definitely not late for work. And, by the way, there will be no feeling of hunger before dinner. A snack is quite possible and a sandwich. Only instead of sausage and cheese in a bun it will be necessary to put a leaf of lettuce and a few circles of vegetables ...

Note, it is not time consuming to eat in the post. But the benefits of such nutrition is obvious.

However, those who decided to fast should not be "obsessed" only on the culinary side of the matter.

It is equally important, in addition to cleansing the body, to take care of the purification of the soul ...

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