July 3 - Day of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (Day of the State Automobile Inspection)
![July 3 - Day of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (Day of the State Automobile Inspection) July 3 - Day of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (Day of the State Automobile Inspection)](/images/raznoe/3-iyulya-den-gibdd-den-gai.jpg)
July 3, all employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday - Day of traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Day of the State Automobile Inspection).
The first traffic regulators appeared in Moscow at the beginning of the last century,then this role could be performed by janitors. In the Central Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia one can see their instruction in a photograph that has been preserved since that time. There is this photo in the hall dedicated to the traffic police.
In 1919 In Moscow, the first traffic policeauto part of the transport department of the Moscow City Council. In the twenties the street-road network began to develop actively, and there was a need to more effectively regulate the situation on the roads. So in 1925 The Department for Regulation of Roads appeared in Moscow.
A July 3, 1936 the State AutomobileInspection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. It was on this day that the Council of People's Commissars approved the Regulation on the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Workers 'and Peasants' Militia of the NKVD of the USSR.
Since July 3, and is considered birthday of the traffic police. The new service was still engaged directly in regulating traffic, other important tasks lay on its shoulders, from the prevention of emergencies to the development of technical norms.
During the Great Patriotic War, traffic policemen were responsible for mobilization of vehicles, many of them were drafted for military service.
Until the 50-ies regulation of traffic on the roads was engaged in WORK (department of traffic regulation) as part of themilitia, which after the war was included in the GAI. In the sixties of the twentieth century, the USSR joined the International Convention on Road Traffic. And with January 1, 1961 The first uniform rules of the road began to operate in the Soviet Union.
Since then the inspection was renamed several times: in June 1998, the State Automobile Inspection was renamed the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation), in July 2002 it again became the Traffic Police.
A 3 July 2009 Minister of Internal Affairs of the RF R. Nurgaliyev signed an order "On the announcement of the Day of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation".
If among your relatives, friends and acquaintances there are employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, be sure congratulate them on July 3 with a professional holiday, because this is their day - Day of traffic police. On the Day of the State Automobile Inspection, do not forget to drink to the health of people who monitor the safety of pedestrians and drivers.
Congratulations on the Day of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (Day of the State Automobile Inspection)
* * * From the heart of pure desire Successes and victories everywhere. We sincerely congratulate you Today, the day of traffic police! May the service always please you, In the career - only grace! And let your man's friendship Life will prosper! | * * * It's not easy to be an employee of the traffic police - You know this like no other, I wish you happiness and love! Let the difficulties happen sometimes - Do not pay attention to them, And know, you will be lucky in life! You every moment with hope meet, Then good luck will come forever! |
* * * Write about you jokes, And in them you peschat and edak, and so, But if without jokes, without your work We would have a complete mess on the roads! Today is the third of July - Day of the State Automobile Inspection, Your professional holiday! I wish you to go to your dream, And fewer situations you are dangerous. | * * * Who is the order on the roads Observes every moment? Rules who know strictly, And our laws respects? He is a traffic policeman, Never yawns: He caught hundreds of villains. Let him always take him! |
* * * My friend, I'm happy to congratulate you, After all, the day of the traffic police has already come, Your profession is to glorify - She is worthy of all praise! I wish you happiness and smiles, With fun every day to meet And only all kinds of mistakes It is always safe to avoid. | * * * The beep of your siren sounds, The flashing beacons of the lighthouse, GAI everywhere, in the whole universe, It is in Africa and the GAI! The offender will be punished, And the law is strictly observed, We wish you good luck in the holiday, A healthy inspector and strong! |
![July 3 - Day of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (Day of the State Automobile Inspection) July 3 - Day of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (Day of the State Automobile Inspection)](/images/raznoe/3-iyulya-den-gibdd-den-gai_2.jpg)
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