Cleaning of gold at homeOver time, jewelry from gold lose itsshine, become dull and covered with a thin fatty film. Return the original look of the product can be by purging gold. It can be made in any jewelry shop. But if you do not have time to go to the workshop, you can clean the decoration of the house. Cleaning of gold at home is also very effective.

There are a lot of ways how to clean gold at home. Depending on what kind of decoration you areyou want to clean, you should choose this or that type of cleaning. Most often it is required to clean products made of yellow gold. For cleaning gold at home, you can use a soapy solution, which should remove a thin film of fat from the surface of the decoration. Just leave the jewelry for a couple of hours in soapy water. Then the dirt can be removed with an old toothbrush. After cleaning, the decoration is dried. If such purification of gold at home has not yielded the desired results, more effective methods should be used.

You can clean gold at home with ammonia. The product can be put in a solution of ammonia ontime. Taking out the product of ammonia, it is put in a soap solution, and then simply washed with water and completely dried. If you do not want to wait that long, you can moisten a soft napkin in ammonia and wash the product immediately.

It often happens that after cleaning the decoration does not shine. Glitter gold can be returned usingone of the ways. So, the brushed product can be immersed for the night in a glass of warm water, in which 2-3 teaspoons of sugar are dissolved. Dirt is not removed in this way, but the shine will return. Also a very good result can be obtained by brushing gold with lipstick. The fact is that its composition includes titanium dioxide, which perfectly removes dark spots and returns the product to shine. A small amount of lipstick is applied to rags and cleans the decoration. Then the decoration can be slightly polished.

Purification of gold at home can also be done with a special paste. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself. If you decide to cook it at home, mix in equal quantities water, soap shavings, petroleum jelly and powder from chalk. As a result, you will get a fairly thick paste, which should be applied to the surface of the product. Decoration is polished with a soft rag and washed in vodka to remove fatty film.

It is a little harder to clean products that are decorated with stones. Here it is necessary to take into account the coefficient of hardnessstone. Such stones as sapphire, emerald, diamond, ruby, quartz, beryl and aquamarine are quite solid, so their surface abrasive substances that make up the paste, will not hurt. But such stones as malachite, pearls, amber, opal, moonstone and turquoise should be cleaned very carefully. Tell you how to clean gold with stones.

All decorations with stones can be cleaned with cologne. To do this, a stick for cleaning the ears is dipped incologne and it is cleaned the stone from above and below. In some places it is quite difficult to remove fat spots, so the decoration can be immersed in ammonia or a solution of any washing powder. Please note that products with glued stones can not be immersed in water. In this case, the decoration should be wiped with a rag soaked in soapy water.

Separately it is necessary to talk about, how to clean white gold. All products of white gold are covered with rhodium. It is believed that the rhodium coating perfectly shades the cold brilliance of diamonds. In addition, rhodium protects the product from scratches, gives it a bright shine and reduces its wear. Since the top layer of rhodium is erased over time, it is necessary to clean such a gold product with a soft cloth. White gold can be cleaned with a solution of ammonia. To make it, take equal amounts of water and ammonia. The product of white gold is kept in the solution for about half an hour, then washed and thoroughly dried. Do not let the white gold jewelry remain damp. Excess moisture has a bad effect on the appearance of the metal.

As an option, it is possible to clean a white gold product with an aqueous solution of ammonia. But do not use abrasive powders, pastes or a toothbrush. Otherwise, you will damage the top layer of rhodium, and your decoration will be spoiled.

Cleaning of gold at home
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