Blanks for the winter
How to keep for the winter the taste of ripe summer apples? It is very simple if you prepare them for future use. Long since home canning This is the most common way to eat in summer summer fruits and berries.

All domestic preparations differ in the way they are cooked. You can freeze the necessary products,subject them to high temperatures, salinize or pickle, dry. After such processing, the microorganisms contained in the products die and the enzymatic activity of the products themselves decreases. It is thanks to this effect that canned products can be stored for a long time without losing their taste qualities.

Usually, for home preparations use vegetables, fruits and berries, mushrooms. Popular harvest for the winter from vegetables in the form ofvarious salads, pickles. Berries and fruits can be harvested in their own juice or boiled from them jam, jam, compote. In addition, berries and fruits can be dried or frozen - so they will not lose their useful qualities and vitamins.

Depending on the chosen method of preparation, in the preparations for the winter all useful substances and vitamins are kept at 30-100%. Most vitamins - 100% - can be stored with freezing products, because they do not need heat treatment. Salting, pickling and urinating products can save up to 70-80% of the initial amount of vitamins in the product. 50-70% of useful substances allows you to keep drying.

The least amount of vitamins is preserved in the preparation of jam, jam, jam, marmalade, i.e. with thermal canning methods. The share of vitamins in berries and fruits preserved in this way is up to 30%.

Before preparing the blanks for the winter, you need to choose the right raw materials. It is necessary to choose whole or cut fruits and berries, without rotten areas, otherwise such storage will not be stored for a long time. It is better to give preference to immature fruits than overripe.

For cooking jam, jams and jam, you should use containers of non-oxidizing materials, for example, stainless steel. Prepack these homemade blanks in glass jars of 0.5 - 2 liters. Banks must be sterilized before packaging.

Sterilization is performed by one of severalways. Wash the banks well, wipe dry. Then, turn the boiling water and the neck down on a container of boiling water. The sterilization time is from 10 to 15 minutes.

With the second method of sterilization, thoroughly washedBanks need a neck down in a cold oven. Heat the oven to 150 ° C, then sterilize the cans for 15 minutes. Similarly, you can sterilize the cans in the microwave oven: turn on the oven at full capacity and once the cans are completely dry they can be removed.

During the packaging of jam or jam, the cans after sterilization must be dry and hot. After packaging, jars of jam should be re-sterilized, also within 15 minutes. After repeated sterilization, the cans should be closed with prepared lids and rolled up. Preparation of lids: sterilize in boiling water for at least 2 minutes.

When preparing home preservation by drying berries or small mushrooms are dried entirely, fruits,vegetables or large mushrooms - thin slices. With a thin, even layer, spread the fruits on a baking tray and dry in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 80 ° C with the door open. Fold the finished fruits in dry polyethylene or canvas bags and store in a cool dry place.

For freezing are best suited berries, greens, green peas, corn, sweetpepper, aubergines, carrots. Before freezing, the fruits must be washed, cleaned, dried and, if necessary, ground. Lay the prepared fruit in a thin layer in the freezer. Frozen fruits should be packed in sealed bags and stored in a freezer at a temperature of -18 ° C. This method allows you to save the products for 8-12 months.

When preparing workpieces for the winter, it is better to sign packagings, indicating the name of the workpiece and the date of packaging. So you can well monitor the condition of the workpiece at the time of use.

In some cases, if the technology is not complied withpreparation of preservation or in case of inadequate sterilization of containers, household preparations may "swell" or "explode". It is not recommended to use such preparations for food!

Blanks for the winter
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