How to make a compote of cranberries for the winter - photos and recipes for delicious dishes

Cranberry is one of the most useful, nutritious andecologically clean forest berries, the desire to eat it is quite natural and clear to everyone. Implement this is not so much a whim, as much as the need (because vitamins are always needed) in life can be various methods. You can cook jam from cranberries, freeze berries, or find out how to make compote of cranberries.

Since the best cranberry berry ripens inlate spring and disappears only at the time of the first frosts, it is not necessary to start spinning in the summer. There is an opportunity first to calmly turn more rare berries, and then to take for a cranberry - with already stuffed hand and a trained eye. Variations of cranberry drinks are numerous, the most common is Morse.

In addition to it, it is quite real to please yourselfcompote of cranberries and cranberries, cranberries and apples, cranberries and currants. Very popular are also home compotes made of blueberries and cranberries, they allow you to vary the taste and even color within a wide range.

Any of the above combinations can be safelycall "shock" dose of nutrients and vitamins. To acquire a stock of such natural remedies against colds and sore throats for the winter is necessary for everyone. Moreover, it is not difficult to cook cranberry compote in your kitchen.

Cooking cranberry compote

1. Select neat, round and ripe berries, separate them from the pedicels and carefully rinse.

2. Make the syrup. In the boiling water we add sugar. Do not need to fill the entire dose of sugar at once, do it gradually. So we will achieve the necessary consistency and sweet taste.

3. Cook the syrup for 30-35 minutes, after which the gas can be turned off.

How to make a compote of cranberries for the winter - photos and recipes for delicious dishes

How to make a compote of cranberries for the winter - photos and recipes for delicious dishes

How to make a compote of cranberries for the winter - photos and recipes for delicious dishes

How to make a compote of cranberries for the winter - photos and recipes for delicious dishes

4. Cool the contents of the saucepan to room temperature.

5. In the prepared containers we spread the cranberry berries and fill them with the prepared syrup.

To navigate in the proportions, you need toremember: a standard half-liter jar will be enough 330 grams of berries and 200 grams of syrup. In addition to the widely used methods of making jams, jams of compotes, etc., cranberries can simply be frozen. To do this, it will be sufficient to have capacity with clean water.

Here we drop the berries and store it all winter. You can simply arrange the dried berries in the freezer and store them, that your dumplings. The availability of fresh cranberry berries at hand will be useful both in preventive measures, and when you want to make a mors or the same compote in the middle of the winter.

Recipes of compotes of cranberries and other berries

If you like the options for "teams"cranberry compotes with berries and fruits, the process of making such cocktails is almost identical to the above. The only significant variable here is proportions. For example, making compote of blueberries and cranberries, for a more sweet taste in quantitative terms it is worth giving preference to blueberries.

This will allow you to use less sugar - atherefore, and maximally preserve the natural properties of the drink. In a combination of cranberries and blueberries, you can maintain an equal balance, since both berries are quite acidic. However, the question of how to cook a compote of cranberries is delicious and fast, did not remain unresolved. There is one trick that will help make this double berry cocktail more attractive.

True, it is only possible for adults. It is enough to season the syrup, in which berries will be stored, with several spoons of rum. Children like this compote hardly like it, but adults with it can be healthy and slightly cheerful at the same time. Compote of cranberry with a recipe with the addition of other berries does not imply a strong difference from the original, purely "cranberry" variant. It is important to observe all the necessary proportions and correctly make syrup.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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