Dwarf dogs: what to feed?

The country of the Soviets has already talked about how and how best to feed the dogs. However, dwarf dogs (room-decorative dogs weighing up to 5 kg) require special care because of its gentle build. Their diet should be carefully monitored.
There is an opinion that dwarf dogs capricious in the choice of food. Yes, it does happen. That's only to blame for this is not usually a dog, but the owner who diluted his pet. No matter how much you want to feed your sweet little dog with all sorts of goodies, do not give in to this temptation. You would not feed your child with cakes and chips, it's harmful.
Puppies of dwarfish breeds it is almost impossible to feed artificiallyTherefore, it is not too early to take away puppies frommother. The optimal age for buying a puppy is 2-2.5 months, at this age, dwarf breeds of dogs can already eat on their own. Puppies and young dogs eat a little, because their need for nutrients and energy is still low. At an early age, dwarf dogs are best served with milk, dairy products, fresh raw lean meat in small quantities, and gradually introduce porridge and soups into the diet.
When the dog is 8 months old, you can start ration depending on its energy needs andnutrients. If you have a breeding dog, keep in mind that during the preparation for reproduction, mating, pregnancy and lactation the demand for energy will increase by 1.5-2 times. dogs dwarf breeds in this period should eat 20-70% more protein, 10-25% - fats and carbohydrates, 1.5 times more minerals and 2 - vitamins.
Dwarf breeds of dogs fed Meat, biscuits, milk, porridges, vegetables, greens. Most of the meat is given to the dog in raw form,less boiled. The biscuits are ground and mixed with milk or finely chopped meat. Together with biscuits and meat, you need to give the dog crushed bone meal. Porridge is cooked on milk, they must be liquid. Concentrated porridges are made on milk with egg. In the porridge add vitamins. From stewed vegetables and herbs mash with cream or sour cream, rubbing them through a sieve. In a day you can give the dog one egg in the form of an omelet and a drop of vitaminized fish oil (a source of vitamin D).
Can I feed dwarf dogsindustrial feeds? The answer is yes, but in this case the diet will have its own characteristics. Dwarf breeds of dogs weighing up to 1 kg canned food can not be fed. When choosing an industrial food for a dwarf dog, it is necessary consult a veterinarian - he will recommend the brand of feed, based onfeatures of the animal's body. Dwarf breeds of dogs should be fed only with high-quality fodder. Food for a small dog should contain antioxidants.
Very energetic and active dogs should be givenFeed with a large number of proteins and fats. This also applies to pregnant and lactating dogs. If your pet is prone to obesity, it is better to choose food with less protein and fat. Dwarf dogs need more protein, than large, therefore it is better to hedge andgive the dog 10-20 grams of cottage cheese a day as a supplement to the stern. The daily dose of industrial food for a dog weighing 4 kg is 260 g (wet canned food) and 130 g (dry food). When feeding with dry food, you need to make sure that the dog always has fresh drinking water.
Often through the fault of their owners dogs of dwarf breeds become real sweet tooth. But you can not give sweets to small dogs! They may lose their teeth in a rather earlyage. Smooth-haired dwarf breeds of dogs need vegetable oil (it needs to be added to food twice a week in small amounts). Dwarf breeds of dogs are fed three times a day in small portions, but the main part of the diet should be given at noon.
If you properly feed your dwarf dog correctly, it will always be fun, healthy and will live a long life!