Breeds of dogs: St. Petersburg orchid

The idea to create a dog that would fit for maintenance in the city and would be an excellent companion, appeared in Russian breeders back in 1997year. When the features that a new breed of dogs must have been determined, painstaking work on the selection of breeding animals began. Breeds of dogs were selected which had the necessary character traits, characteristics of the coat and color.
For three years Nasibova Nina Petrovna, the author of the breed, selected only puppies with the necessary qualities. Naturally, it did not do without mistakes. Many of the dogs received after crossing looked, as ordinary mongrels. But after long and hard workThe first representatives of the breed were the St. Petersburg orchid. Further increase the number of dogs was not difficult, since all errors during breeding were analyzed.
Now the breed of dogs the Petersburg orchid becomes more and more popular. Many people are attracted to small size of a dog that can be kept even in a one-room apartment. Others like the appearance of the animal. Long hair and a special haircut make the St. Petersburg orchid very delicate and beautiful dog. Yes, and his good character, the dog can also boast.
Petersburg orchid is a nice companion dog, which feels great in the city. For her Do not take long walks and active lifestyles. And if it's raining outside or justbad weather, then your dog can always go to the toilet on the tray. Also you will not be bothered by caring for the dog's hair. So, the dog is devoid of a characteristic smell and it does not have seasonal molting. Also the dog perfectly gets along with other animals: she is friendly with cats and communicates well with dogs of other breeds. In addition, the St. Petersburg orchid very much loves children and always becomes the best friend for them.
What does this wonderful dog look like? The adult dog reaches a height of not more than 30 cm, it can weigh from 1.5 to 2.5 kg. The body of the animal is slightly elongated, it has the backbone of an average fortress. The tail is short-cut. The head of the dog is of medium size, the muzzle is slightly pointed towards the tip of the nose.
The wool of the St. Petersburg orchid can havedifferent color, except white. Choose a beautiful animal from such a variety is very difficult. But this is the highlight of the St. Petersburg orchid! And to emphasize the beauty of the animal, A special haircut for dogs of this breed was developed.
The body and neck are removed hair by the type of haircutAmerican Cocker Spaniel. Also cut off the wool on the tail. On the front legs, the hair is removed to the fifth finger, on the hind legs - to 1/3 of the hock joints. The remaining wool on the paws is trimmed. On a head leave a bang, mustaches, a beard, ears do not touch. That your dog always had a well-groomed appearance, she needs to be cut every 1.5-2 months. In the rest of the time it is recommended only to bathe the dog every 2 weeks and comb the dog with a brush every day.
All St. Petersburg orchids have a good character. They are not frightened at the sight of strangers and do not cling to the sofa. Also, dogs are completely devoid of aggression. Friendliness and sociability - this is the visiting card of these dogs. That's why dogs of this breed are suitable as a pet for people of any age.
Let it be very easy to keep this breed of dogs, but do not forget to take care of your pet. Like dogs of dwarfish breeds, St. Petersburg orchids have problems with teeth. Accustom your dog to brush your teeth withchildhood. Without proper oral care, the dog may begin periodontal disease. Also do not forget to look after the anal glands of the dog. This rule applies to dogs of all breeds.
Note that the St. Petersburg Orchid is a young breed, and all breeding dogs are only in the monobreed club "St. Petersburg Orchid". So far, there are about 900 dogs, andeach of them has a veterinary passport and a stamp. Buying a puppy on the ad in the newspaper or the Internet, be sure to clarify its origin and the presence of the hallmarks of the club.