My fish is sick! .. Why?

Everyone is sick, including people, animals, birds, fish,and insects ... In most cases, this is due to the wrong way of life. Fans of aquarium fish are likely to face problems with their pets - they become lethargic, change color, on their body appear wounds and ulcers. One thing is clear - the fish fell ill. Let's figure out what the cause of this small creature's illness may be hidden.
As we all know, it is easier to prevent the disease than to treat it. If the feed that you give to fish of poor quality or just this kind does not fit, then it can lead to stomach and bowel diseases. If the food is too fat - close to obesity of the intestine. And if the food is too monotonous and poor in vitamins, it can cause a general weakening and degeneration of the liver.
In this case, the fish will not hurt someabstinence. This is the same as with people: it's better to be hungry and cheerful, than fed and sluggish. Although fasting itself can cause contagious damage to the covers - fungi. So the measure is needed in everything.
Changes in water temperature also bring little pleasant. Especially if it's a downgrade - fish can also catch cold. As a result of hypothermia, inflammation of the swim bladder, and, in addition, a decrease in the body's resistance.
The lack of an air supply system is also not very good for the inhabitants of the aquarium. Fish have to breathe more often, and, with it,they are weakened. Fish in its "house" should feel comfortable, water for it - a natural habitat, so it must meet all the "requirements" of the inhabitants.
Too soft water or too low pH is not a test for everyone. Not all fish tolerate a low indexRN, although for some species it is recommended to reverse (red neon, discus). Fish that live in the coastal zone can tolerate neither particularly soft water, nor too low a pH value. This causes them to "acid disease".
Sometimes when choosing a place for an aquarium people make the mistake of installing it on the windowsill. Strong sunlight plus an elevated pH can lead to burns on the fins of fish (the so-called "alkaline disease"). Therefore, it is better to buy an aquarium with lamps, mounted in the top cover, and put it in another place.
If it is wrong to choose a combination of different types of fish, they can fight among themselves and inflict injuries to each other. So try to think ahead of time well,what kinds of aquarium inhabitants will keep at home. Also, in contact with the instruments in the aquarium, fish can get small injuries in which the fungus and different bacteria settle.
To poisoning leads and poor quality of the "fish house". If during the manufacture or repair of the aquarium inAt home, unfit facilities (metals, glue, paint, hoses) were used, this is not good. The air that is pumped into the water must be clean. Furnace gas, factory emissions, tobacco smoke affect the quality of air in the aquarium, and are very harmful and even deadly to fish. therefore it is recommended that an air filter (with filter charcoal) be connected between the pump or the flow filter. or to suck air out of the room.
Fish are very sensitive to their habitat and react to any uncomfortable conditions. The maintenance of fish in the necessary regime, a variety of food, the re-creation of habitual habitat conditions strengthens their immunity and prevents the development of diseases. If you love your pets, try to create better conditions for them, and then they will long please you and your loved ones.