Breeds of guinea pigs
The term "breed" refers not only to dogs, cats and decorative rabbits, but also to guinea pigs. For more than 400 years, people have been engaged in the maintenance and breeding of these animals, and during this time many beautiful and unusual breeds were brought out.
Guinea pigs differ from each other in color, length and texture of the wool - this is at first glance a beginner. Experts, of course, also define the setting of the head, ears, size and planting of the nose, eyes, back line, etc. But today we will not go into professional details, but consider the breeds whose distinguishing feature is wool.
It, in turn, can be an ordinary short one,dense and smooth, can be long, with a different texture, and rosette (due to the altered growth of hairs on the marsh's wool, vortexes are formed, which are called "rosettes"). If such rosettes are present on the neck and nape of the animal, then in this case, the pig is called manic. By the way, the rosette wool can be either long or short.
Very beautiful looks satin wool - tightly fitting, silky, with a glossy sheen. The breeds of guinea pigs have interesting names. Among them, abyssinki, coronets, texel, sheltie,Dalmatians, Himalayans, Agouti, Self, Rex, Teddy, Ridgeback, Merino, Alpaca, Skinny, Baldwin and many others. All these little animals are absolutely charming and evoke the emotions of others. And now we will sort out a little in these breeds.
Can you imagine a bald guinea pig? Yes, the spectacle, of course, is impressive ... Guinea pigs of the breed Baldwin are born with a woolen cover. But throughout the year the wool falls completely. Skinny - also bald guinea pigs, they have woolonly on the nose and legs. Of course, such animals should be kept warm and make sure that there are no drafts and even a slight drop in temperature.
Long-haired guinea pigs amaze with a variety of their "hairstyles". Breed texel differs curly hair that grows in the direction from the muzzle down. Texels are represented by different colors.
Merino and alpaca also have wavy wool, but, unlike texels, these breeds have one and two rosettes not a body, respectively. Guinea pigs sheltie - breed "with experience". It was recognized in 1973. On the head of such guinea pigs, the wool grows like a mane that falls on the shoulders and back of the animal. On the sides it may be somewhat shorter than the one that grows from the middle of the head.
Guinea pig breed coronet differs by its rosette on the head, whichforms a so-called crown, and an unusual division of wool. The parting in the coronets should be strictly along the back. As the mumps grow, the hair grows both on the body and on the head, so the crown rises first to the ears, and then stands and closes the pig's eyes.
Shorthair breeds selfs - one-color, without admixture of any other tones. They can be of different colors - black, white with dark or red eyes, gold, purple, beige, brown, cream.
The guinea pig Dalmatian is known because of its color, which is very similaron the color of Dalmatian dogs. The body of the Dalmatians is white, covered with dark spots. The head is usually black, although sometimes there are animals with white spots on the head, the eyes are red. Paws should be black, white in Dalmatians are inadmissible.
Pig-Himalayan painted, usually in white, but the nose, ears and paws - brown or black. In guinea pigs agouti The ends of the wool have, basically, a light shade, which differs from the main color. There are golden, silver, brown, lemon, cream chocolate agouti.