Myths about pets

Do dogs not distinguish colors and get sick when their nose becomes warm? Does the cat really have nine lives? Is it true that guinea pigs eat their offspring? On the behavior and lifestyle of pets there are many myths, which do not give rest to their owners. Let's try to understand that the truth is from them, and that is a lie.
The dog wags its tail because it's good to see you. In fact, this is not the only reason forwhich the dog wags its tail. Sometimes they do it when they are frightened or have a premonition of something that is not good. American scientists in many studies have found out that dogs swing their tails to the right side when they are satisfied with something, and if something does not suit the animals, then their tail swings to the left.
Experts attribute this to the fact that the leftthe side of the brain that regulates the movement of body parts on the right, is responsible for positive emotions, and the right side of the brain, on the contrary, is responsible for negative feelings. In general, wagging the tail is a characteristic emotional reaction for the dog, which must be judged by the general behavior of your pet. If she bites you, then she is unlikely to be happy with the meeting with you.
Guinea pigs eat their offspring. In principle, this is possible, but in very rarecases. Guinea pigs are vegetarians, and if you do not forget to feed them, you will hardly be left without offspring. As a rule, the females of these animals are very caring and conscientious mothers and rarely refuse to take care of their cubs, and even less often dine with them.
Cats have nine lives. This belief is due to the extraordinary vitality of theseanimals. Cats are absolutely indifferent to the altitude that scares most people, and often survive after such falls that would have ruined any of us. Specialists have made a paradoxical conclusion: the higher the building, the cat's less likely to die when falling from it.
Dogs are colorblind. Of course, imagine how a dog sees,we can not. We can not say exactly whether there exists for it some concept similar to the human concept of color, or not. For a long time it was believed that dogs are perfect colorblind dogs. But the tests that were carried out in 1966 at the Department of Zoology of the University of Helsinki showed that, at any rate, the cocker spaniel is able to distinguish colors.
Well, in general, if you watch the dogs, you cannote that they, thanks to a not too good eye arrangement, generally see very little: the dogs are oriented primarily to hearing and smell, visually they distinguish only fuzzy outlines.
If the dog has a warm nose, then she is sick. This is one of the most common "canine"myths, causing a lot of trouble not only for beginners, but for breeders with veterinarians. If the dog has only a warm nose, then most likely, she just slept - during sleep the temperature of the nose lobe increases. But if the dog's nose is not just warm, but dry, if it is covered with plaque or crust, and even more so if these phenomena are accompanied by deviations in the dog's behavior (do not eat, run, etc.) - call the vet.
One canine year is seven human years. This famous myth is only helping childrenlearn the multiplication table by seven. The age of the dog depends, first of all, on the breed. Dogs grow old much faster than humans, a two-year-old dog can be compared to a 21-year-old man - but after that their age "slows down."
Cats are afraid and do not like water. Such an impression can arise if youwatching a cat that suddenly wet your paws. She will quickly shake off and try to lick them as soon as possible. This happens if the first experience of "communication" with water was negative, and so you can fully educate a wonderful swimmer.