Irish Soft Coated Wheaten TerrierIreland became home to four breeds of terriers: the Irish Terrier, the Kerry Blue Terrier, the Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier and Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. We will talk about the last breed today.

Irish soft-coated wheaten terrier (often these dogs are called simply Wheaten Terriers or Witten Terriers) was derived primarily for work on the farm. These terriers served as shepherd dogs, and also hunted rodents, wild rabbits and other agricultural pests.

Despite its long history, breed wheat terrier was not recognized in Ireland until 1937. British Kennel Club (English club)dog breeding) recognized the breed in 1943. In the forties, the first wheat terriers were brought to the US, but the breed became popular not immediately and was recognized by the American Kennel Club only in 1973.

Wheaten Terrier is a compact, stately dog ​​of medium size. The growth is approximately 45-50 cm in males and slightly less in females, weight - 16-20 kg. A distinctive feature of the wheat terrier is its wool cover. This breed has soft, thin, silkyWool without undercoat, curling or falling off with soft curls. Due to thick wool these dogs do not tolerate heat, but they feel great in cold weather.

Admissible colors - all shades of wheat-colored from light wheaten to pale golden. The shade of the coat should be golden, andnot yellow. However, at birth in puppies of wheat terrier dark wool, its "adult" color it acquires, when the dog reaches the age of 1,5-2 years.

Wheaten Terrier - energetic and playful dog. Representatives of this breed are very smart, howeverrather self-willed. Therefore, the training of a wheat terrier should be done from an early age. The owner should be patient. With these dogs, a confident, impartial approach works best. In no case can you use hard training methods, this will lead to fear or aggression.

Wheaten Terriers - very friendly dogs. They get on well with the children. As for other pets, they get along well with them if they grow side by side from an early age. If the wheat terrier did not deal with cats while a puppy, in adulthood, he can show aggression towards them - hunting instincts will prevail over education.

Like all terriers, the wheat terrier is a cheerful and mobile a dog that needs constant activity and physical exertion. So be prepared to devote a lot of timewalks and games with a dog. However, wheat terriers are not too intrusive and independent, so the pet will not insistently demand your attention, when for some reason you are unable to give it.

How to care for the fur of a wheat terrier? It should be carefully combed every day with a soft brush and a rare comb with long round teeth. Also, the Irish wheat terrier needs periodic trimming. Too often, the dog should not be washed; Do this only if necessary, using a special shampoo.

As for the haircut - here opinions diverge. In some organizations of exhibition terriers it is customary to cut, and in some - to bring to the ring in a natural way. But, regardless of the attitude to the haircut, many masters for hygiene purposes cut off the wool around the anus, into the groin and between the fingers and paw pads.

Wheaten terriers have good health, and with proper care, their life expectancy is 10.5-12.5 years. However, there are a number of diseases that are prone todogs of this breed, mostly problems with the endocrine system and dysplasia of the hip joints. Some representatives of the breed are prone to allergic reactions, in particular, to atopic dermatitis.

Irish soft-wooled wheat terriers - one of the most agreeable terriers. If you properly educate a dog from an early age, she will become for you not just a pet, but a loving family member.

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
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