Breeds of dogs: core terrier

Active and curious terriers - verypopular breeds of dogs. Previously, terriers were used to combat rodents and hunting for non-normal animals, and now many of them are happily kept in urban apartments. One of the most popular varieties of terriers - Core Core.
The core of the core comes from Scotland. The founder of the breed is Alister Campbell - it was her dogs that were first officiallyregistered under the name of a core of terriers in 1907. Until 1910 the core of terriers was considered a species of skye terriers, but in 1910 they were separated into a separate breed, and in 1912 a new breed was registered by the Kennel Club.
Kern the terrier is a small dog, the growth of cores at the withers is 28-31 cm, the ideal weight ranges from 6-7.5 kg. The cores have a stretched body with convex ribsand straight back. The head is small, but it should be proportionate to the trunk. The neck is strong, the waist is also strong and flexible, the hindquarters of the hind limbs should be strong. The limbs in the core are short, have strong bones. The front paws are slightly larger than the hind legs.
Dogs of the Core Core breed have small pointed ears, firmly standing. They should not be too narrowly set and strongly overgrown with fur. Tail is short in cores, covered with thick wool, but does not have suspensions. The tail keeps fun, but does not bend over backwards.
Kern the terrier has abundant hard (but not coarse) wool, able to protect the dog from bad weather. The undercoat of the core is dense and soft. Typical colors of the core of the terrier - red, fawn, gray or dark gray (closeto black). All types of brindle color are allowed. In this case, monochrome white, black or black with tan marks are not allowed. Usually the ears, muzzle and limbs of the cores are slightly darker than the rest of the color.
Kern the terrier - energetic and cheerful dog. The character of the core is active, fearless,aggressive, assertive, but not aggressive at the same time. Cores perfectly get along not only with the owner, but with all the rest of his family, very fond of children. But they can not treat other dogs with being too friendly, but the cores do not show aggression without good reason.
Kern terriers are not bad to be trained: according to the top list of the intelligence of dogs, theybelong to the group of dogs with abilities to train / perform commands above the average. This means that for the development of a new core team, 15 to 25 repetitions are required, and from the first time they execute the team in 70% of cases and higher.
If you decide to start a dog with a core of terrier, note that you will often have to walk with her for a long time - mobile and energetic core needlong regular walks and a high level of physical activity. Therefore, they feel much more comfortable in a private house with a large yard or in the countryside than in a city apartment. Although cores can easily adapt to any habitat.
Kern Terrier does not need any specific care for the coat. It is enough to comb the hair 2-3 times a weekbrushing. Haircuts do not require cores. Feed kernels can be prepared feeds, but you need to choose high-quality premium and super premium food. Also, active and energetic cores are not prevented by special toys for dogs, so that they do not get bored in solitude. Toys must be quality and safe!
Despite its small size and funny appearance, the core terrier is a brave dog possessing an unmistakable self-confidence and a sense of dignity. Cores are devoted dogs, which are very important to the owner's attention. If you are willing to give your pet enough time and attention, the core terrier will become your faithful companion and friend of all your household.