Dog Bullets

Perhaps it is difficult to find a dog that will look as funny as dog bullets: this small shepherd dog from Hungary looks like rastamana with dreadlocks. Let's find out a bit more about the breed of bullet dogs.
The bullet breed (also known as Hungarian water dog) is quite old. According to unofficial sources, this breed existed already 6000 years ago. At least in ancient Rome there were already representatives of this breed - the relevant mentions were preserved. As a bullet dog got to Hungary, it is not known exactly, but the fact remains: now in this country bullets - one of the most common shepherds.
In 1930, the first bullet dog appeared in the United States, and in 1936 this breed was officially recognized American club of dog breeders. In 1955 the breed standard was approved, and around the same time the first representatives of the breed were brought to Russia.
Externally, the bullet's dog resembles a smaller version of the Komondor (Hungarian Shepherd). Like the Komondor, the bullet has a long coat, folded into cords resembling dreadlocks. In newborn puppies bullets are dense wavyor curly hair. Growing, it is weaved into cords and braids, which can reach 20-30 cm. The thick coat helps the bullets to tolerate both cold and heat.
There are two types of bullets depending on the color: white dog bullets and bullets of other colors. The standard allows for four colors: pearl white, black, black with a gray or rusty tint and fawn with a black mask.
The bullet dog has an average size. The minimum height is 37 cm for males and34 females, maximum - 10 cm more. The males weigh 13-15 kg, females - less, 10-13 kg. For comparison: Komondor, which is very similar to bullets, has a growth of at least 65-70 cm and can weigh 40-50 kg. So the bullet dog will be a good pet for someone who would like to get a komondor, but the size of the dwelling does not allow.
A bullet dog is a wonderful pet for families with children. They are clever and faithful dogs. Bullet can become an excellent friend and protector, she gets along well with children (only not with too little). These dogs love their owners very much, tied to the owner, and the change of the owner is difficult enough.
However, it is worth considering that to bullet strangers are wary and can rush to attack without warning, if they feel danger. Therefore, on a walk it is worthwhile to look after the dog and in crowded places do not let it down from the leash. By the way, you will often have to walk with a bullet with a dog: in spite of the fact that this breed adapts well to life in a city apartment, she can not do without long walks and sufficient physical activity.
The bullet has one interesting feature: these dogs are very fond of jumping. We have already mentioned that bullets are shepherd dogs, andThey lead a herd, jumping over sheep or hopping on their back. Even if the dog fell never performed the role of a shepherd, it will still love jumping: it is inherent in it genetically. Therefore, one of the best types of physical activity that you can offer a breed of bullets to a dog is running with obstacles, during which the dog can satisfy his passion for jumping.
Dog bullets are well trained (according to the top list of the intelligence of dogs, itsability to train above average), however it is very important to start training your pet from an early age. In this case, cries and punishments are inadmissible, it is necessary to act gently. If you grieve or scold the dog, she may be offended and refuse to eat until you make up.
Care of the dog's fur deserves special attention. If the coat meets the standard,then by the age of two years the wool will fall into cord-dreadlocks. In combing, such a hair does not need, you only need to separate the dreadlocks from time to time with the fingers from the roots to the tips, so that they do not get mixed up. It is necessary to wash the dog only in case of emergency.
Cheerful, cheerful, hardy bullet dog will become a wonderful friend and devoted guard of your family. But this breed is not very suitable for those who are not willing to give enough time to walk and play with the dog.