Dog breeds: English Setter

In general, all setters came to us from the Foggy Albion, and even the names of the breeds remind us of those parts of the United Kingdom where they were taken: English, Scottish and Irish setter. But the English setter is the most common breed of all setters.
English Setter - very beautiful dog a characteristic speckled color called belton. There are several color variations of color: black and mottled, orange-mottled, yellow-mottled, brown-mottled and tricolor (brown or black and mottled with tan). Colors with large spots and solid colors breeders are not welcome.
By the way, due to his color, English setter named Steve (Stepa) and his backup Dandy got a role in the film "White Bim Black Ear". True, according to the Beam plot, the Scottish Setter withwrong spotted color, but to find a Scottish setter with such an atypical color was not possible, therefore the role of Beam was performed by the English setter, for which the mottled color is the norm.
English Setter is a well-built dogmiddle-height. He has a harmonious and balanced physique, an elegant posture, confident and graceful movements. English Setters are energetic dogs that can boast speed, endurance and a keen sense (No wonder, they were taken out like hunting dogs). The wool of the setters is long, thick, silky and shiny, maybe straight or slightly wavy.
As for the character, the English setter is an ideal pet for a family with children. These dogs are very friendly, good-natured and affectionate, completely devoted to his master. English setters are a very sociable breed of dogs, and you can be sure that they will treat your guests perfectly to your home. English Setter - the most obedient of all setters, it is easy to train. But the stupid execution of commands he does not particularly like - try to become your dog is not just the master, but the other.
But keep in mind that the dog breed determines itscharacter is not all one hundred percent. Yes, most English setters are really affectionate and friendly, but the wrong upbringing of a puppy can nullify all his innate qualities. So if you have an English setter in your house, be prepared create a quiet environment in the house to discover the natural potential of the dog.
English setter is getting along well with children, but if your child is too young, try not toleave him alone with the dog. Setter will never offend the child first without reason, but a small child who does not yet understand how to properly handle animals can offend the dog. Children older than five years must be taught to communicate with the dog: the setter will understand the child's kind attitude towards himself and will obey him without question.
If you live alone and can not pay enough attention to a dog, it's better not to start an English setter. This breed of dogs is extremely sociable and very ill feels alone. By its natural way of thinking, setters are extremelyintellectual, they need frequent communication with the owner - without it the setter will simply wither. For the same reason, do not keep the English setter in the aviary.
Contents of the English Setter it will not give you much trouble - this dog is goodsuitable for urban maintenance. It is necessary to take into account two main points. First, setters are hunting dogs, which means they need sufficient physical activity. With an English setter, walk for at least an hour a day, only so he will be healthy and cheerful.
Second, you need to take care of the setter's wool, without proper care, she becomes confused, appearkoltuny. It is necessary to regularly comb your dog and cut the wool between the pads on the paws. It is also accepted to cut the hair under the ears and on the neck to the sternum.
English Setter is a cheerful, friendly and balanced dog, a wonderful friend and companion.