birth marks photoDark or red voluminous specks on the face andbody, which we call simply "moles", is for everyone. Taking them for granted, we do not think about what they mean. But because of their location and form, you can tell a lot.

Many such marks can be found on the bodyrights from birth. There are also those that appear with age, migrate and disappear with time. Let's try to figure out why this is happening, and what the moles mean.

Why do birthmarks appear?

But we will start with the official, that is, the medical version, what caused the appearance of moles on the body in humans. And here for today science has identified 4 main factors affecting the occurrence of such "tags":

  1. heredity - inherent in our genomeinformation can "reproduce" on our skin not only the quantity, shape and size, but also the location of some such specks is similar to the birthmarks on the body of our relatives;

  2. ultraviolet - a sun so beloved by manycan cause increased production in the skin of the pigment responsible for the dark color of our skin - melanin. Therefore, direct sunlight can not only provoke the appearance of new specks, but also increase the growth of old or even promote their degeneration into a malignant form;

  3. traumatization, viruses - the activation of melanocytes can also cause viral infections or trauma to an already existing mole;

  4. hormones - the release of melanin can cause a malfunction in the pituitary gland, which, through its hormones, also affects the activity of this pigment.

Red mole on the body

In addition to the usual for us dark moles on the bodymay appear and a more vivid representative of these tumors - a red mole or angioma. She also does not have a certain place of "residence" and can appear on any part of the body and at any age, but more often still occurs in children and adolescents. As it consists not of melanin, but of small sosudikov, when pressed such a red speck turns pale, and after it, filling with blood, reddens again.

The causes of such angiomas can be as follows:

  • exposure to direct sunlight;

  • hormonal failures in the body;

  • the pathology of the vessels themselves;

  • traumatic vascular injury;

  • hypovitaminosis and rheumatic diseases.

Moles on the body: value

People's rumor, given the centuries-old observationsand the wisdom of generations, has long endowed such marks on the body with a certain magical meaning. In the Middle Ages, the version of what moles mean, was not the most positive. They were called "dark marks", and they said that for some of them - marks witch or mole on the body photo

In the Renaissance, on the contrary, the presence of natural"Flies" on the face of the body was very welcomed. Since ancient myths told that a birthmark was on the face of the goddess of love and beauty of Venus, many secular ladies tried to give their appearance a semblance of the divine and decorated it with artificial birthmarks - "flies".

In our time, when the witch hunt has long been in the past, and the "flies" have gone out of fashion, people still have not ceased to wonder what such markings on the body mean.

Even today these are different in size and colorspecks are considered certain "signs of fate", having learned to read which, you can predict the future of man. They can also be considered a kind of indicator of the state of the body. Already ancient doctors have learned to recognize what moles mean. For example, the markings located in the neck area may indicate weakness of the throat. Disorders in the work of the nervous system will tell randomly arranged spots throughout the body. And physiognomists also consider them to be very informative signs of the character and temperament of a person. We will tell you several such "pointers".

The meaning of moles on the face

For example, the mark above the right eyebrow promises a happy marriage, wealth and prosperity, over the left eyebrow - does not broadcast anything good: poverty, disappointment, health problems.

There is also a version of what moles mean on the cheeks: a person with such a mark will certainly achieve in life more than his parents, but he will not reach great heights. At the same time, such people are considered hardworking and benevolent.birth marks on the body photo

From the point of view of the same physiognomists, such a speck on the lip is a sign of a fragile and vulnerable person, on the chin - calm and friendly.

If the birthmark is on the chin or aboutmouth - it warns that a person should pay attention to the state of the intestine, and in the eye area - to reduce vision or problems associated with the eyes.

Birthmarks on the nose: value

If you have birthmarks on the nose, value themvery optimistic - they promise success in life, for the achievement of which you do not have to put much effort. At the same time, physiognomists assert that anyone with such marks can be expected of anyone. Usually such people are quick-tempered and extremely emotional, besides, they can have problems with alcohol.

Moles on the ears: meaning

The danger of drowning warns of a mark,located on the earlobe. A spot located in the front of the neck is a good sign, but owners of moles behind should be on the alert in the neck, such a mark promises unhappiness.

Birthmarks on the hands: value

Generally, moles, located on the hands - thisa sign of a strong, strong-willed and faithful to his principles of a person, with a greater chance of a happy marriage. If such marks are on the wrists - this indicates the talent of their owner.

No less informative are the moles on the fingers:

  • from the inside - these are signs of the favor of luck, wealth and, at the same time, temptations in the form of alcohol, drugs and easy money;

  • from the outside - they promise possible failures in their personal lives, susceptibility to the evil eye and corruption, and at the same time show that their master (mistress) masterfully master their fingers;

  • on the thumb - this "mark" literally attracts to its owner the opposite sex;

  • on the index finger - a sign of leadership, oratorical qualities;

  • on the middle finger - such a birthmark appears in those who are very fond of drawing attention to themselves;

  • on the ring finger - heralds a long search for her second half;

  • on the little finger - so are noted deft, enterprising people.value of moles on hands

Birthmark: value

This arrangement of spots - in principle, a goodsign, especially if they appeared on the left. In this case, they inspire confidence and even predispose to welfare, and also are considered a "mark" of secret power. Moles under the armpit on the right are a sign of weakness and low self-esteem.

Birthmarks in the form of a triangle: value

In this case, not onlythe location of such birthmarks, but also their shape, angles, as well as the time of their appearance. So, a solid mark in the form of a triangle is a sign of a stubborn, purposeful man with a sharp, penetrating mind, and a triangle of such specks on his face is extremely lucky, but prone to indifference.

In general, such a geometry on the body - an indicator of success and the desire for improvement. The people marked by these signs are very inquisitive and are not afraid of change.

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