Neighbors make repairs

Henceforth you can forget the word "rest", because today your neighbors do repairs. Everyone is familiar with this "pleasant" feelingthe universal collapse that takes place in your apartment for a couple of months, in the form of noise, trembling walls and the screams of workers in strong Russian. What to do, if during this repair your life becomes unbearable?
First of all It is necessary to enter the position of neighbors. You also once did a repair orare going to do. Repair is not a wave of a magic wand. This is a very difficult job, which requires constant fuss and noise. If your neighbors do not cross the borders, they can forgive all the inconveniences, but it happens that people do not even suspect that they are breaking the order in the house, paying no attention to other tenants.
For starters, it's worth remembering 3 important rules:
The total duration of "noisy" repairs should not exceed 4 months. If the neighbors make repairs in the morning, at six o'clock - you can safely go to them with a warning.
It is forbidden to start repairs before 9 o'clock. Completion of the reconstruction work is allowed no later than 19.00.
On holiday and non-working days, "noisy" repairs are prohibited.
If your neighbors comply with these rules, then they are educated and intelligent people. With them you can solve the noise issues in a peaceful environment, which gives you inconvenience. Understand that Neighbors do repairs not to annoy you. Proceed from this, be loyal.
If you have a small child or a sick person in your family, do not hesitate to warn the neighbors about it. Wise people will enter your position and try to take action.
Often neighbors do repairs with the help of hired workers. If the working neighbors give you inconveniences (drinking, swearing, spoiling the property), you must warn neighbors about such behavior, otherwise the consequences can be the most unpleasant.
Sometimes the workers or the masters themselves endurestaircase bags with garbage. If this garbage does not cost you right under the door, do not swear about its availability. Make sure that the neighbors remove all this at the end of the repair.
Do not swear at the start, do not show your obvious indignation over the repair. Everything can be solved in a normal conversation, in which youshould be friendly and friendly. Sometimes neighbors do repairs for the first time and can not promise a hundred percent fulfillment of the request, because no one knows what efforts will be required for repair. Exchange phones and, in which case, call back. The neighbors who respect you should also call and apologize for the inconvenience.
Do not be a grumpy neighbor. Always look at the situation from different angles. And suddenly, tomorrow you will have to completely change the interior, move the cabinets, nail the nails into the wall and knock out the tiles? Believe me, this is a very noisy work. It will be a shame to look into the eyes of neighbors with whom you swore for the same reasons.
If the neighbors do not lend themselves to a peaceful conversation and, moreover, cause discomfort to you - tell the police. A slight shake is necessary if the neighbors behave immorally.
Wise people say: "If I'm a good neighbor, then I will never have bad neighbors." This is indeed so. If the neighbors make repairs, do not immediately provoke a conflict. Only in case of a negative answer should youtake measures. If you show the neighbors the impression of a wise educated person, they will accept all your conditions. You can even make friends and arrange gatherings in a new kitchen, in which many nails were driven in order to give you a cup of tea in a cozy atmosphere.