How to dry mushrooms in the homeDrying mushrooms contributes to their long-term storage. On how to dry mushrooms, in particular champignons, at home - in our article.

Than useful dried mushrooms, so it is that theynot only retain all the substances necessary for the human body, but also enhance their aroma and taste (for example, the white fungus becomes much more fragrant after drying).

Thus, the nutritional value of such fungiconsiderably increases in comparison with pickled or salted mushrooms. In addition, the human body is easier to absorb mushrooms after drying. Needless to say, some pluses. Drying mushrooms leads to the loss of their mass to almost 90 percent (that is, from 5-10 kg of mushrooms will remain as a result of 0.5-1 kg).

Leaves, as a rule, only water, and usefulthe properties are preserved. It is known that not every fungus is suitable for drying. Honey mushrooms, chanterelles or russules are not exactly suitable for such a process, since they can be very bitter in dried form. Ideal for drying are suitable podberezoviki, boletus and, of course, champignons - the most common edible mushroom on the planet!


Before you start to dry, you need a goodprepare mushrooms. Of course, first they need to be cleaned. Try to carefully remove the earth from all the mushrooms, as well as leaves or needles. But do not wash mushrooms! The fact is that washing will lead to a darkening of the mushrooms, they will lose their unique aroma, and they will dry much longer.

How to dry mushrooms in the home

After the mushrooms are cleaned, sort them,removing the spoiled, rotten. Cut off the mushrooms at the bottom of the leg, and to make the fungus not darken at the cut, use a knife made of stainless steel. Small mushrooms are usually dried entirely, large boletus mushrooms (boletus) or birch bark are cut into several small pieces.

Sometimes mushrooms are made "noodles" - crushedmushrooms. They will dry faster and are very convenient for adding to different dishes (salads, soups). Small and large mushrooms try to dry separately from each other - so they will become dried much faster.

Methods of drying

There are several ways of drying: in the sun, in the oven or in special drying plants. If you live in a private house, and you have a Russian stove, then it will be very easy to dry mushrooms in it. But the owners of ovens are not so difficult to get dried mushrooms. Prepared mushrooms place in one layer on a baking sheet.

How to dry mushrooms in the home

First, dry them at a temperature of 45 degreesCelsius, so that the mushrooms are not sticky, and then add the temperature to 80 degrees. The time of drying, as they say, "by eye" - watch for the uniformity of drying.

Well-dried mushrooms will not break, but only bend (feeling slightly "springy"). Otherwise, the mushrooms are not ready and need further drying.

Do not close the oven door tightly, butso that the mushrooms do not turn out to be burnt, take a baking sheet from time to time and ventilate them. The method of drying mushrooms in the sun is also feasible at home.

String mushrooms on a string and leave insuspended in a ventilated place, protected from moisture, dust and direct sunlight. Alternatively, instead of hanging on threads, you can arrange mushrooms on thick paper, a tray or boards. In this position the mushrooms are dried for several days.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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