How to dry chanterelles for the winter in the oven, so as not to be bitter
Chanterelles, undoubtedly, are very tasty and nutritiousmushrooms. They can be fried and cooked from various dishes not only in the summer and autumn, when the mushroom season comes, but in winter, if you pre-make the preparation of chanterelles. In this article, you will learn how to dry the chanterelle mushrooms properly for the winter, in particular using an oven.
How to dry chanterelles in the oven
Many types of mushrooms are suitable for drying, butsince this article is devoted to chanterelles, then the drying methods will be considered with respect to these fungi. And first let's give some general advice on how to dry the chanterelles:
1. First of all, it is necessary to select good mushrooms: freshly picked, dense, strong and not having wormholes.
2. Preparing the chanterelles for drying, you need to clear them of forest debris: twigs, leaves, needles, etc. It is best to clean with a lightly moistened cloth and paper towel. 3. Important: it is impossible to wash the mushrooms before drying.
4. If larger chanterelles occur, they should be cut into several pieces, the thickness of which will be approximately 2-2.5 cm.
5. Prepare the oven before drying: cover the baking tray with baking paper. If there is a metal mesh (grate), then you can dry it directly on it. So, after preparing the oven, chanterelles mushrooms need to be laid one layer on a baking tray or grill and turn on the oven at 60-65 degrees.
It is desirable to slightly open the cabinet door toa constant flow of air was maintained. Periodically it is necessary to turn the chanterelles for even drying. If some of the mushrooms are already dried, then they should be removed from the oven, leaving the others to dry.
How to dry chanterelles, so they do not bitter
Despite the existing views thatChanterelles are not quite suitable for drying, yet it should be noted that this type of mushroom, on the contrary, very well suits high temperatures. However, there is one nuance: sometimes people complain that dried chanterelles are bitter. What to do, so they do not bitter:
- Firstly, as mentioned above, before drying you need to clean the mushrooms very well from dirt and debris.
- Secondly, much depends on the time of collecting these fungi. If chanterelles are old or were harvested in a very droughty summer period, then it is possible that this will cause bitter mushrooms.
- Another reason why the chanterelles are bitter, canserve the presence of harmful substances, due to penetration into the mushrooms of exhaust gases. Therefore, take care in advance about the conditions and time for the collection of mushrooms. Ideally, you need to collect mushrooms yourself in places remote from highways and industrial plants.
How to dry the chanterelle entirely in the oven. Picture recipe №2
Drying of chanterelles in a whole kind in the oven practicallydoes not differ from anything from the previous method of preparation. Whole chanterelles are carefully cleaned of debris and wiped with a napkin or slightly damp rag. Then laid out on the grate of the oven and heated the latter to a temperature of 70-75 degrees, no more.
The door is left half open so that the air circulates freely, and the moisture from the fungi evaporates. Dry chanterelles become easily bent, but they do not break and do not crumble.
Other ways to dry chanterelles for the winter
In addition to the oven, you can use the Russian ovenor microwave. Before drying the chanterelles in a Russian stove, it is necessary to protect the mushrooms from ash and ash during drying - place them on a baking tray or a braid. The temperature should be the same as when drying in the oven - about 70 degrees. Otherwise, the fungi can burn or dry out. Since drying is always uneven, it is always necessary to monitor all the mushrooms so that they do not overdry.
Author: Katerina Sergeenko