Harvesting mushrooms for the winter
Fleshy mushrooms have always been considered the bestmushrooms for salting. They are always easy to assemble, because they grow in large groups. Harvesting mushrooms for the winter will not take you too much energy, and delicious crispy mushrooms will please your entire family.
There are several types of mushrooms that can beto meet in our forests. They are white, black, yellow, aspen, raw ... Some prefer white, others tend to take black mushrooms. Each species has its own taste, but all can be salted. Harvesting mushrooms for winter can be two ways: hot and cold salting. The country of the Soviets will give a recipe for each kind of salting.
Cold way of harvesting the mushrooms
Harvesting mushrooms using a cold method is a fairly common option.

To pickle the mushrooms, you will need:
1 kg of gruel
40-50 g of salt
horseradish leaves
dill umbrellas
3-4 cloves of garlic
Mushrooms, cooked for pickling, sorted. The legs are removed. Then they are soaked in cold water for 12 hours. Soaked mushrooms are well washed under cold running water, remove dirt from the caps. Now they must again be soaked in cold water. Water should be slightly acidified and salted. For 1 liter of water, take 10 g of salt and 2 g of citric acid. It is necessary to soak the mushrooms up to two days, so that the bitterness of them completely disappears. At least twice a day, change the water to fresh, not forgetting to add a little salt and citric acid each time.
Choose the capacity for pickling. The best option would be an oak barrel, but not in every family it is. You can use a ceramic keg. An enamelled saucepan is also good.
At the bottom of the chosen capacity you pour a smalllayer of salt. Then spread out the horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas and chopped garlic. On top of the spices lay mushrooms layer of 6 cm. Then they sprinkle salt, again spread mushrooms. Thus, the entire container is filled. Spices are put on top again, covered with a clean cloth and put under oppression.
At room temperature, the fungi are kept underoppression for 2-3 days. During this time, the fungi are compacted and the juice is let out. Then they can be carried to the cold, where they will be salted for another 50 days. After this period, mushrooms can be eaten.
Hot way of harvesting the mushrooms
Procurement of mushrooms in a hot way will suit those owners who want to pickle them in cans.

Ingredients for such salting per 1 kg of gruel:
1 tbsp. water
2 tbsp. l. salt
1 onion
horseradish and cherry leaves
dill umbrellas
Harvesting of mushrooms by hot methodbegins as follows: prepared for salting mushrooms well washed and soaked overnight in cold water. Soaked pancakes are poured cold water and brought to a boil. If you have very large hats, they can be cut into several pieces. When the mushrooms boil, remove the foam with noise. Cook mushrooms are not required, so you can immediately drain the decoction after removing the foam. Be sure to rinse the mushrooms.
Fill the pancakes with cold water and leave themsoak for 30 minutes. Then drain and dial fresh. So repeat three times. At this time, you can prepare cans. Wash them and sterilize them. At the bottom lay the leaves of cherries and dill umbrellas. Then spread mushrooms, which are covered with rings of chopped onions.
Water, which will be filled with mushrooms, bring toboil, add salt and pepper into it. This brine is filled with mushrooms. Now you can sterilize the jars within 30 minutes. Do not cover them with lids during sterilization.
The sterilized mushrooms are covered with horseradish leaves and covered tightly with lids. After 40-45 days, the salted mushrooms are ready.
As you can see, harvesting the mushrooms is not a big deal, but the result will definitely please you. Bon Appetit!