Harvesting cucumbers for the winter: photo recipe with step-by-step instructions
Cucumber is the most common vegetable in our latitudes. In summer, it pleases its cool, refreshing and slightly watery flesh, and in winter turns into an invaluable garnish.
Salted, salted, marinated cucumbers,harvested in August with love, in harmony with any dish of meat or potatoes, perfectly go as a snack, decorate a festive table. Every good housewife should know everything about harvesting cucumbers for the winter, and our article will help with recipes.
Salted cucumbers
So, let's start with the most traditional dish, withpickled cucumbers. Each landlady has a recipe for this preparation, we will add one more to your piggy bank. We need small-sized crisp bright green cucumbers. It is desirable that they all be about the same size. Then, prepare spices: parsley, garlic, dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves and cherries.
We will salt the cucumbers in three-liter cans,so do not forget to rinse them thoroughly and prepare the metal covers. First of all, we thoroughly clean the vegetables, if they are only from the bed, then they should be given special attention. Some housewives even briefly soak cucumbers, this can be done, it does not hurt.
The main thing, then it's good to dry them. While your cucumbers dry, there is time to cut the spices and lay them on the bottom of the sterilized jar. Then we prepare brine. In a liter of water, we make 100 grams of salt and boil. Then dried cucumbers should be put in a jar and pour boiling brine, you can let it brew, drain the first saline solution and pour the second one.
But if time is not so much, then in the bank withcucumbers and boiling brine, add sliced garlic and greens and roll them up. Wrap up your workpieces and let it cool down, and then put it in a cool place. Now you will have fragrant crispy pickled cucumbers.
Freshly salted cucumber
If you do not like salted cucumbers, or stomachdoes not differ in strength, then write down the prescription for harvesting fresh-salted cucumbers. Products will take a little, just cucumbers, salt, water, fragrant greens (choose to taste). We also need glass jars, not necessarily three-liter. Mine and sterilize the container for pickling, to the bottom we put finely chopped garlic, pepper, greens, other seasonings to taste.
We put cucumbers. The next step is to prepare the brine. One liter of water will require a couple of spoons of salt, boiling. To keep our vegetables crispy, it is better to pour them not boiling, and a little chilled brine. This recipe is fast enough, after a couple of days the light-salted cucumbers will be ready, and the jar can be cleaned in the refrigerator.
Another way to prepare cucumbers for the winter -marinate them. Marinade differs from the brine in that it includes vinegar. So, write down the recipe. To begin with, we will select good elastic cucumbers in "pimples" and we will wash them. We take clean glass jars, put the cut garlic and pepper on the bottom, put our vegetables, pour for several minutes with hot water.
We have time to prepare marinade. Remember that this is the most crucial moment, because the taste of our home preparation depends on it. Heat a liter of water, we add 1, 5-2 tablespoons of salt, 4 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, a couple of laurel leaves, a few peas of black pepper, cloves for flavoring.
The mixture must be boiled, adding100gr. vinegar. We merge the water from the jar and fill it with the resulting hot marinade. Now it remains to tighten the jars with lids, and the pickled cucumbers are ready.
Author: Katerina Sergeenko