Salads for New Year's menu

Planning the menu for the New Year 2016,consider that its symbol is the Fiery Monkey. This animal feeds on fresh and natural food, therefore it is necessary to include in the list of festive foods as many light salads as possible, saturated with herbs and vegetables. They will harmoniously complement the fish and meat hot dishes, which you will regale your guests and loved ones on New Year's Eve.

Salads for the New Year 2016: what to choose - exotic or classic

This question depends solely on personalpreferences. Some mistresses from time to time make the legendary "Olivier" or the familiar simple "Mimosa". Others regularly monitor virtual resources and culinary magazines in search of something new and unusual. The admirers of the refined modern cuisine enjoy great success with a delicious salad with fresh honey agarics, which can be cooked in several different ways.

New Year's Eve 2016 salad with mushrooms: a simple step-by-step recipe

Necessary ingredients:

  • fresh honey agaric mushrooms - 350 g

  • black radish - 1 piece of medium size

  • olive oil - 4 tbsp

  • salt

  • greens - bunch

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Mushrooms are washed, dried on a thin towel, cut into neat slices, placed in an enameled container, fumigated in oil until ready and cooled.

  2. Grate the radish on a large grater and mix with honey agarics.

  3. Transfer into a beautiful salad bowl, season with olive oil and decorate with finely chopped greens.

Delicious puffed New Year's salad from honey

Besides the bright taste qualities, the dignity of layered salads is also in the fact that they look very aesthetically and give the festive table a special style.

Necessary ingredients:

  • smoked chicken fillet - 300 gr

  • pickled honey mushrooms - 300 g

  • sweet red onion - 1 piece medium size

  • Boiled eggs - 6 pcs.

  • mayonnaise 50% fat content

  • table vinegar

  • salt

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Chicken meat cut into thin strips.

  2. Cut whole mushrooms with a knife.

  3. Onions cut into neat half rings and soaked in vinegar for 15-20 minutes.

  4. Eggs boil and cut into small squares.

  5. Place all the ingredients on a smooth, beautiful dish in layers as follows: meat - pickled onions - mayonnaise - dense layer of mushrooms - mayonnaise - egg - mayonnaise - chicken.

  6. On all sides carefully cover the dishthe remaining mayonnaise, top with a peeled yolk grated on a fine grater. Using ketchup, write on the egg layer "New Year 2016" and give the dish to insist for about 12 hours. Before serving, decorate with greens.

The most original salads for the New Year 2016

Famous chefs are actively calling for cookingfor the New Year 2016 vegetable salads. According to them, such dishes will help attract the attention and patronage of the restless Monkey. In addition, this food is well absorbed and does not burden the stomach.

Pumpkin salad with spicy dressing

It should be cooked for the New Year at leastbecause the pumpkin is an extremely useful ingredient, and we eat it quite seldom. So than a festive night is not a reason to spoil the body with natural vitamins?

Necessary ingredients:

  • lettuce - 1 bunch

  • pumpkin fresh - 150 gr

  • Parmesan cheese - 50 gr

  • cucumber - 1 piece

  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 20 ml

  • olive oil - 40 ml

  • Dijon mustard - 0.5 tbsp

  • greenery

  • salt

  • pepper ground black

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Peel the pumpkin from the skin, rinse and cut into cubes 1X1 cm. Cucumber crumble into thin strips, washed and dried salad leaves to break their hands into pieces of medium size.

  2. In a frying pan, warm up a little olive oil, pour a pumpkin and quickly fry until soft, all the time stirring, so that the pieces are not burnt. When the product is ready, remove from the plate and cool.

  3. In a ceramic container with a narrow bottom, connect 40ml of olive oil, lemon juice and mustard, pepper and salt to taste and rub very well. At the end, the dressing should acquire a completely homogeneous consistency.

  4. In the dish lay a lacerated lettuce leaves and cucumber. Mix gently, add slices of cold roasted pumpkin, pour abundantly with mustard sauce, and sprinkle with finely grated cheese on top.

Such a salad for the New Year 2016 is best done immediately before consumption. If you still have to prepare a dish in advance, just do not refuel it before serving.

New Year's salad "Very tasty", recipe with photo

New Year is the best moment fortry something exotic and unusual. Simple salads are lost among delicious delicacies and festive serving, but a dish with a pleasant juicy taste and a gentle, fresh fragrance will surely attract attention.

Necessary ingredients:

  • crab meat or chopsticks - 250 g

  • pineapples canned - 150 gr

  • iceberg salad - 200 gr

  • hard cheese - 150 gr

  • garlic - 2-3 teeth

  • dill

  • mayonnaise 67%

  • Pepper, salt, spices - to taste

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Crab meat thawed and cut into small squares.

  2. Thoroughly washed salad leaves to break into thin, short strips.

  3. Canned pineapples drain and chop into small pieces.

  4. Cut the cheese into cubes.

  5. Grind the greens with a knife, pass the garlic through the crush.

  6. In a deep salad bowl lay all the ingredients, gently mix with a wooden spoon, add salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise.

If you are on a diet or just want to reduce the caloric content of festive dishes, put a less fatty mayonnaise in New Year's salads or mix it with sour cream in a 1: 1 ratio.

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