How to install the cornice

Before you hang curtains, you need to find out what kind of cornices you need. The type of product, as a rule, depends on the room in which it is hung. In this article, how to install cornice for curtains.
In kitchens, curtains are often hung simply on the window frame. For this purpose, specialtelescopic cornices. In the rooms hang round cornices; There are many design options for such cornices for every taste. They are made of plastic, wood and metal. Such The cornices are suspended on special brackets. On this bar may hang rings or other clips for attaching curtains.
It is worth noting that cornice-string also applies to round cornices. The peculiarity of its design is that instead of the bar, the most common metal string is used. For the windows of a complex shape, profile busbar cornices are provided.
As for the instrument, it will be necessary perforator or impact drill with a drill of the appropriate diameter, a screwdriver, a tape measure and a pencil.
In order to properly install the cornice, you need to know a certain number of rules. This will allow the product to look very well and harmoniously, and also be user-friendly. The length of the cornice should be 30-40 centimeters greater than the width of the window, over which it will be installed. It is also desirable that between the top of the window and the cornice was a distance of at least 5 centimeters for the window to open freely.
Besides, from the wall to the bar should also be a distance of 12-15 centimeters, so that the suspended curtains do not touch the sill and the radiator.
After choosing and buying the cornice carefully understand the features of his device. To get started, we recommend collect it on the floor and make sure that you have sufficientnumber of screws and dowels. It is worth noting that if you are going to install the cornice on a brick wall, instead of dowels it is better to use wooden plugs.
To install the cornice, first It is necessary to make a marking on the wall and mark the fixing points of the brackets with a pencil. After this, drill in the walls of the holes and hammer in them the dowels. Now you can fix the brackets with screws. Then replace the bar with the rings in its place.
Separately worth telling about fixing the cornice to the ceiling. In total, there are three types of fastenings of ceiling cornices: mounting with brackets, direct attachment of the frame to the rails, and suspension of the frame on several suspensions.
In general, the installation of a ceiling cornice differs little from the attachment of such a structure to the wall. Before marking the place of fasteners, It is necessary to take into account the distance from the eave to the wall, and position of the cornice itself relative to the center of the window. After the marking is done, holes arewhich are then inserted dowels or special plugs. Then the procedure is similar to attaching the eaves to the wall: guides are installed, to which the curtains are then attached.
It is worth noting that quite often the factory attachments that come complete with the cornices can be lost. Therefore, you can use special Anchors with internal thread. Such fasteners provide a stronger connection than screws.
As you could see, it's quite easy to install a curtain rod for curtains. It is necessary only have the necessary tools and be able to use them.