How to install a wooden window

Today there are many kinds of windows,made of different materials. However, wooden windows, for the production of which "living" material is used, have always been considered the most high-quality and durable. The only drawback is the high cost. In this article, how to install a wooden window.
Before installation, you should carefully consider all possible options and errors, which may occur during installation. It is worth noting that the installation process is simple, but will require some accuracy and accuracy in the calculations. It should be borne in mind that the person who will take measurements should necessarily be well acquainted with the design of the future window. To install a wooden window, measurements must be made from two sides: inside and outside. Obviously, the window itself should be slightly larger than the outer opening, so that it can not fall out.
Typically, in panel houses, the window opening is slightly skewed, as a result of which it becomes necessary to increase the size of the window to Do not allow crevices between the edges of the window frame and the edges of the opening. The frame size should be larger than the outer openingat least 40 millimeters in width and 20 millimeters in height. In addition to the fact that you can make a large-sized window box, you can simply expand the window due to the so-called additional profiles.
Also do not forget that from the outside of the window at the bottom necessarily should be installed for rainwater. This indicates that the bottom edge of the boxshould be slightly higher than the outer edge of the opening. Thus, you will not override the special drainage hole, which is on the outside of the window box. In addition, you will definitely need to seal the joint between the ebb and the window frame. To install a wooden window correctly, it is necessary to take into account that the windowsill should be installed under the window frame, but not to the back of it. In order to prevent condensation from flowing under the window, the window sill should be mounted under a slight slope, a gradient of 3 degrees will suffice.
It is necessary that the joint width between the frame and the wall does not exceed 3 centimeters, especially for very large windows. It is worth saying that all Modern windows are supplied complete with a set of profiles, designed to increase the width of the window box.
In total there are two ways of fastening the frame: fastening through the window frame and fastening with the help of special metal plates-anchors. The first method will require the removal of thedouble-glazed windows for easy installation, while the window can be mounted in any opening, and all subsequent loads will go directly to the internal fittings. As for the second method, it greatly simplifies the process of leveling the window by plumb and level, and also leaves no traces on the end surface of the frame.
To install a wooden window, be sure to note that it should stand on special support pads, which in no case can not be removed after installation. The window should not hang on dowels and mounting foam. Pull these pads under the vertical partitions and at the corners of the frame.
We recommend that you use a plumb line when setting the window vertically, because the level bar does not always have enough accuracy.
Separately need to talk about polyurethane foam, which is used for sealing. Such foam is an excellent thermal insulation, in addition, it is capable of evenly taking on wind loads and mechanical stresses, but inept use of this material is fraught with unpleasant consequences.
In order to install a wooden window, you need a certain experience of such installation, so if there is none, we recommend that you turn to professional construction teams.