Chocolate wraps at home Body care is one of the most important rituals in a woman's life. Properly caring for your body, you can permanently preserve his health, beauty and attractiveness. Chocolate wraps at home - one of the most common ways of caring for the body.

Chocolate wraps at home are made on the basis of the favorite dainties - chocolate. The chocolate contains many useful substances for the skin, while the process of applying chocolate mass on the body and inhaling the aroma of chocolate is already bliss.

Chocolate wraps at home help to reduce fat deposits on the body, remove excess fluid and toxins, improve metabolism. Thanks to chocolate wraps, the skin is enriched with vitamins and minerals, it becomes more elastic and elastic.

To make chocolate wraps is not usually used confectionery chocolate - you need chocolate cosmetic. But at home, you can take and chocolate, which is used for food, and it must necessarily contain not less than 50% of cocoa products. The skin before wrapping should be cleaned with a scrub.

There are many recipes for chocolate wraps at home. For example, one of the simplest recipes for anti-cellulite chocolate wrapping is as follows. It is necessary to take 100 g of dark chocolate, melt it in a water bath and then apply the mass to the problem areas of the body. Next, you need to wrap the problem areas with film and wrap them with a warm blanket. After 30-60 minutes, the mass should be washed off, and the body can be applied anti-cellulite cream.

Chocolate wraps at home can be done with the addition of various essential oils. For example, chocolate wrap for weight loss can be made from chocolate bar, dining roomspoons of castor, burdock or olive oil and a few drops of citrus essential oil (orange, grapefruit, lemon). Put the mixture on the skin of the body, leave for half an hour-hour, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

Doing chocolate wraps at home is possible not only on the basis of ready-made chocolate, but also on the basis of cocoa products. For such wrapping, you need to mix 3 tablespoons of cocoa butter with 1.5 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 5 tablespoons of coffee oil, and 1,5 tablespoons of chopped algae. The resulting mixture must be applied to the body in problem areas.

In homemade chocolate wraps you can add pepper (red or chili), cinnamon. This will help increase blood circulation, more active burning of fatty deposits. The skin after such wraps will get a healthy look, will become more taut and moisturized.

Chocolate wraps at home positively affect the skin of the body, but in some cases they can bring health harm. When allergic to chocolate, hypertension, tumor processes, kidney problems from such wraps should be discarded. Best before starting the wrapping course consult with a doctor.

Chocolate wraps at home
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