Essential Oil Ylang YlangThe list of essential oils used in aromatherapy can stretch over several pages. One of the most famous and exotic oils is essential oil ylang-ylang. How did he manage to achieve such popularity?

Like oil patchouli, ylang-ylang oil comes from the Philippines. It is extracted from the flowers of the plant kananga fragrant, which locals call ylang-ylang. From Tagalog, this translates as Flower of flowers. In Indonesia, fragrant flowers of kananga are an indispensable attribute of any wedding ceremony and religious rite.

Of the plant's flowers, essential oil is extracted from intoxicating sweetish aroma, something reminiscent of the smell of neroli and jasmine. Essential oil ylang-ylang has found application in perfumery (at creation of flower and east aromas), cosmetics, aromatherapy and even the food industry (as a flavor).

In addition to ylang-ylang oil, kananga flowers are mined kanang oil. It includes the same components as in the ethericoil ylang-ylang, but in other proportions. Kanang oil is considered the lowest essential oil in comparison with ylang-ylang and is used mainly in perfume for detergents and soaps.

Ylang-ylang oil has strong antiseptic, anticonvulsant, antidepressant, sedative and general toning action. It helps fight headaches,arrhythmia and ischemic heart disease, normalizes blood pressure and menstrual cycle, regulates the work of the sebaceous glands. In cosmetology, essential oil ylang-ylang is used to combat the increased fat content of the skin of the face and head.

Aromatherapy with ylang-ylang oil is used when:

  • stress conditions, insomnia, apathy, depression;

  • increased arterial pressure, rapid heart rate;

  • headaches, migraines;

  • negative manifestations of menopause;

  • increased skin fatness, acne;

  • dermatoses, eczema;

  • loss of hair;

  • insect bites.

Essential oil ylang-ylang has a powerful psycho-emotional impact. It will help to cope with a sense of anxietyand fear, nervousness and irritability. Aromalamp with ylang-ylang oil will help relieve emotional tension. If you are engaged in creative activity, the fragrance of ylang-ylang oil stimulates your intuition and creativity, will help you gain self-confidence. And the essential oil ylang-ylang is considered a powerful aphrodisiac.

Ylang-ylang oil can be used in almost any way, with the exception of droplets in the ears and nose, microclysters and tampons. Approximate proportions of the use of essential oil ylang-ylang in different ways are as follows:

  • 2 drops of oil for 5 m2 area of ​​the room for the aroma lamp;

  • 4-7 drops for aroma;

  • 5-7 drops per 15 ml of base oil for massage;

  • 5 drops per 5 g of base when enriching cosmetic products (masks, tonics, gels, creams);

  • 2-3 drops for the aromamedalon.

We remind you that essential oils do not dissolve in water, so before adding oilylang-ylang in a bath, you need to dissolve it in a glass of natural milk product (milk, kefir, yogurt, cream), a little honey or a tablespoon of sea salt.

To combat insomnia, anxiety and night fears need 40 minutes before bedtime use in the aromalamp mixture of 2 drops of ylang ylang oil, 3 drops of lemongrass oil and 2 drops
lavender oil. When arrhythmias will help a warm compress of 5 drops of ylang ylang oil and 5 drops of vegetable oil. Place it on the heart area.

To strengthen the nails and make them more shiny, rub in them a mixture of 10 drops of ylang-ylang oil and the same amount of almond oil. And for strengthening of hair (dry, dyed, weakened) make a mask: mash the ripe avocado, add to it the yolk, 3 drops of ylang ylang oil, 2 drops of oil of calamus and 1 drop of camomile oil.

Too sweet flavor of this essential oil can be balanced complementary (complementary) oils: oil of bergamot, lemongrass, grapefruit, patchouli, petitgrane (bitter orange), rosewood.

But, like any essential oils, this oil should be used with caution. From aromatherapy with ylang-ylang oil it is necessary to abstain from pregnant women and children under the age of twelve. In case of an overdose of ylang-ylang oil with a high concentration, nausea and headache may occur. To avoid this, use ylang ylang oil in combination with other essential oils - for example, with lemon oil.

Essential Oil Ylang Ylang
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