Essential oils for hairThe use of essential oils for health and beauty is notIt is questionable: almost every essential oil has a whole bunch of miraculous properties. This is why essential oils are widely used in cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin and hair. What essential oils for hair are most effective?

If you read descriptions of different essential oils, youprobably noticed that almost every one of them is recommended to use to improve the condition of the hair. But this does not mean that you can use any essential oil and immediately get beautiful well-groomed locks. Different essential oils are suitable for different types of hair and combating various problems (high fat content or dryness, dandruff, split ends, hair loss, etc.).

To make it easier for you to navigate in a wide range of essential oils, we imagine the essential hair oils in the form of a table. In the first column of the table, there will be a problem with the hair, and in the second column - a list of essential oils that help fight this problem.

Essential oils for hair

ProblemEssential oil
Dandruff*Basil, cypress, mint, eucalyptus, rosemary, patchouli, thyme, tea tree, citrus (orange, bergamot, etc.), geranium, lavender, chamomile, cedar, pine, neroli, juniper, clary sage
Excess fat contentAtlas cedar, eucalyptus, thyme, lemon balm, lemon,cypress, sage, bergamot, lavender, clove, pine, ginger, verbena, mint, tea tree, grapefruit, patchouli, geranium, juniper, rosemary, rosewood
Excessive dryness, damageYlang-ylang, lavender, wormwood, geranium, rosewood, chamomile, mandarin, myrrh, incense, sandalwood, orange, palmrose, muscatel, patchouli, cedar
Hair lossGinger, peppermint, rosemary, cedar, basil, saffron, incense, pine, ylang-ylang, tea tree, petitgrine, rosewood, bee, calamus, coriander, verbena, cypress, laurel
Slow hair growthYlang-ylang, pine, thyme, rosemary, sageMuscat, incense, cypress, coriander, verbena, ayr, bey, petitgrain, tea tree, pink tree, mint, cedar, juniper, lemon balm, fir, clove, cinnamon
Split endsYlang-ylang, vetiver, rosewood, sandalwood, chamomile, geranium

* Dandruff can be like with oily scalp,and when dry. Therefore, when choosing an essential oil to combat dandruff, you need to choose the oil that is recommended for your scalp type. For example, with oily skin from dandruff is more likely to help tea tree oil or eucalyptus, and when dry - oil of geranium or lavender.

How to use essential oils for hair? The main rule of aromatherapy is that essential oils can not be used in pure form: they have too much concentration for this, you can get a burn. So the essential oils for hair are best used in one of the following ways:

  • aromatics;

  • hair masks;

  • add to shampoos and balms.

Aromatherapy is one of the simplest types of hair care using essential oils. Apply a few drops of the selectedoil on a comb of wood or natural bristles and long and neatly comb her hair. Combs made of metal or plastic should not be used. The main thing - do not overdo it with oil, and then you will earn yourself a headache.

Quite often, essential oils for hair are used as part of home-made masks. To make a simple mask, you need to dilute the essential oil in the base fatty oil. Base oils are also called transport vehicles - they areDo not let the essential oils volatilize and help them penetrate the body. In addition, base oils are useful in themselves. The most common base vegetable oils include sunflower, olive, peach, almond, coconut, apricot, grape seed oil, jojoba, wheat germ, avocado and some others.

The ratio of essential oil to base oil is 3-5 drops of essential oil per teaspoon of basic. You can add several essential oils at once, the main thing is that they combine with each other. The mask should be kept for 20-30 minutes. Make masks 2-3 times a week for treatment and 1 - for prevention.

For enrichment of ready-made cosmetics (shampoos, balms, masks, etc.) add 2-3 drops of essential oil to 15 ml of the product.

Essential oils for hair will help get rid ofdandruff, will make hair beautiful, healthy and shiny. But do not rely only on essential oils - do not forget about other care products that you need combine with aromatherapy for hair.

Essential oils for hair
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