Jerome D. Salinger The Catcher in the Rye

A classic writer, a mystery writer, at the peak of his career, announced his resignation from literature and settled in a remote American province far from worldly temptations ...
The only novel Salinger "On the abyss inrye "became a turning point in the history of world literature. The title of the novel and the name of the main character Holden Caulfield have become a code for many generations of young rebels - from beaters and hippies to representatives of modern radical youth movements.
The novel is presented in a brilliant translation of Rita Wright-Kovaleva, who became a classics of the translation art.
And yet the novel "The Catcher in the Rye" is a masterpiece of modern literature!
Do you know what amazes him? Although there are no good and evil characters, but the main character sees around himself all the people such moral monsters and assholes!
So you do not understand to the end - whether he is such a denouncer, or just not lucky with him around, or maybe he just is not able to see anything good in this world?
Quotations from the book
"When you do something too well, then, if you do not watch yourself, you start to be exposed. And then it can not be good anymore. "
"I always say" it's very pleasant to meet you "when I'm not at all pleasant. But if you want to live with people, you have to say everything. "
"If you have to give someone in the face and you want it, you have to beat."
"If a man has at least a million years in possession, he still does not erase all the bawdry from all the walls in the world. Impossible. "
"When the mood is bad, does it really matter what is behind the window."
"How this blonde danced! I did not see the best dancer in my life. You know, sometimes she's a dope, and she dances like a god. And it happens that an intelligent girl either tries to guide you, or so badly dances that it only remains to sit with her at the table and get drunk. "
Read more:

Gregory David Roberts "Shantaram"

Kazuo Ishiguro "The Rest of the Day"

Michelle Welbeck "Platform"

Cormac McCarthy "The Road"

Boris Akunin "The whole world theater"

Pelevin Victor "Chapaev and Emptiness"

Bernard Verber "We, the gods"

Neil Gaiman "The American Gods"

Diane Setterfield "The Thirteenth Fairy Tale"

Susan Collins "Hunger Games"

Umberto Eco "Prague Cemetery"

Jonathan Safran Foer "Full Illumination"

Jonathan Safran Foer "It's terribly loud and extremely close"

Bel Kaufman "Up the stairs leading down"