Fighting the boss
Sometimes it happens that everyone likes the work,except one - the boss. In this case, you do not want to quit, but working in such conditions is very, very difficult. And if you are not so unhappy, you can even turn around in the office fight against the boss, just like in the movie "Imperfect bosses."

The fight against the chief is justified first of all in thatIf he violates your rights, fixed in the Labor Code. Provide you with another paid vacation, pay sick leave, reimburse travel expenses, etc. - it's his duty. And if your rights are violated, you can fight for them. If the boss does not want to solve the issue of violation of your labor rights in a good way, you will help the labor inspectorate.

But often fighting with the boss in the officeIt is not due to a violation of labor rights, but because of the intolerable nature of the boss. It seems to be everything according to the law: they give leave on time, and they do not force to work overtime. But at the same time the boss allows himself sharp and even rude statements, raises his voice, criticizes employees in an incorrect form. In general, turns the life of workers into hell - and they seek to answer him the same.

Of course, to tolerate such behavior of the bossnot everyone is ready. But I do not want to change jobs either, especially if the salary is decent, the work is interesting and the team is not bad (except for the "problem" bosses). In this case there is a temptation to start a war with the boss, which will eventually force him either to reconsider his behavior, or to leave (at least, this is calculated, but how will it actually come about, it's another matter).

Deciding to start fighting with the boss, firmly remember one thing: Your struggle with the boss should not go beyond the law. It is not even about the infliction of grievous bodilydamage, you are unlikely to go to extreme measures. We are talking about administrative violations. For example, if you choose a demonstrative violation of labor discipline as a method of struggle, the boss has every right to fire for this. You will not achieve your goal, but the "spoiled" labor firing can make it difficult to find a new job. Why do you need extra problems?

Also, look at the team. If you have like-minded people (and not one), then the problem is most likely really in the head. But if you are dissatisfied with one's boss, it is possible that you simply can not establish relations with him (the others somehow happened). So in this case, the fight with the boss may be unnecessary: to start thinking about why you can not find a common language with the boss, and try to solve your problems in a good way. Suddenly he's not really as bad as he seems?

Another thing to consider is the rank of superior. After all, your boss may be like a bossdepartment, which itself is someone's subordinate, and directly the director or owner of the firm. In the first case, the fight against the boss can bear fruit, because your boss does not have absolute authority - he too can be fired (or at least start to threaten with his finger to behave in a human way). But in the second case, alas, can not get out.

Your fight with the boss should not be a strugglein the literal sense of the word - you, most likely everything, only finally ruin the relationship with him. Minor dirty tricks, adjusted by subordinates, are unlikely to make it more compliant, as is an open conflict. Your strength - in your peace, self-confidence and professionalism. Work so that he does not have, what to find fault with.

If the chief screams, rude, etc., you do not need to be afraid, stifled and upset - it is precisely on this effect that he counts. Avoid and the other extreme - in any case, do not raise your voice in response, it will provoke the effect of "snowball". Your best weapon is underlined tranquility and cold politeness. Keep emotions under control and do not take to heart.

Open struggle with the boss is not the best way to solve problems if it is not a violation of your labor rights. Usually there are two ways out: just calmly do your job, ignoring rudeness, or quit. Confrontation can not be solved.

Fighting the boss
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