How to negotiate?
Conducting business negotiations is a wholeart, the study of which takes a long time. But sometimes time to practice in this art, is sorely lacking, and important negotiations are just on the nose. What to do? How to negotiate? A few simple recommendations from the Council Country will help you.

Before you begin to negotiate, you shouldthink to which of the main types they relate. Thus, there are positional negotiations, when each of the contracting parties seeks only its own benefit, as well as integral negotiations, the main goal of which is to achieve mutually beneficial results. Model of behavior in each of these cases should be fundamentally different.

Positional negotiations - this, figuratively speaking, tug of war. A typical example of such negotiations is the conclusion of a transaction about buying / selling. The seller "stuffs the price", and the buyer's task is to get the maximum possible discount.

So, from which side in the positional negotiations you have not spoken, these councils will be right to help you negotiate:

  • Do not inform the other side about your motives, interests and possible limitations, but at the same time, the second party should try to obtain such information;

  • From the very beginning, the tone of the negotiations should be set, the most advantageous position for oneself, and the available information about the other party should be used to form a price proposal;

  • during negotiations, by no means You can not be rude., impatience, otherwise the negotiations will end not in the best way;

  • You should not succumb to persuasion, but also to rest as one well-known animal is also not worth it: you need to be flexible and correct your proposals in time;

  • do not try to manipulate the interlocutor and You can not succumb to attempts at manipulation, honesty is important in negotiations.

In contrast to positional, integral negotiations are aimed at long-term cooperation and partnership, and therefore the line of conduct in this case should be built differently. Therefore, if you do not know how to negotiate an integral type, then these tips will be helpful to you:

  • should be openly inform the other party about motivation of the transaction, own interests in this transaction and possible limitations of opportunities;

  • should be learn as much as possible about the state of affairs of the other party and on the basis of the information obtained, try to work out a solution that satisfies both sides;

  • do not rush with the conclusion of the transaction, because the parties need to come to a decision that will be mutually beneficial - in this case, the time spent for working out the decision will pay back a hundredfold.

In addition to those described above, there are also general rules of business negotiations - following such rules, you will be able to substantiallyincrease your chances of success. For example, one of the rules is: do not be afraid to take the initiative. You should contact the other party yourself and make an appointment.

If there is such an opportunity, to negotiate best on a "foreign" territory. This will allow you to learn more about the otherside, and your opponent - feel more comfortable. Excessive familiarity, as well as an exaggerated "semi-official", is not the most successful solution for negotiations. It is best to follow a calm business tone.

In the business world of Japan there is one interestingan unspoken rule: to express your respect to a partner or client, you have to scold yourself and your company. So far, of course, do not go, but here in an unobtrusive way to express their respect for the negotiating partner - it is necessary.

At the beginning of your speech or speech, you must try to smooth out the mutual tension. To do this, you can start by describing the deal as an attempt at mutually beneficial cooperation. Further It is worth discussing the agendato make sure that all the negotiators are properly informed.

Generally, the success of negotiations depends on the mood of each party. For example, in some cases, one of the parties may be overly aggressive, while in others, on the contrary, it should not show any initiative and agree in everything. Therefore, it is always necessary adjust your line of conduct during business negotiations, selecting the option, which in the circumstances seems to be optimal.

How to negotiate?
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