How to write an essay-reasoning

Very often the composition-reasoning becomes a stonestumbling over the USE and especially the GIA. Since this kind of compositions is most often given in examinations, we will help you to understand all the subtleties and nuances of its writing.

How to write an essay-reasoning

The composition in the form of reasoning must be from differentparties to reveal the given topic. It is important to use a certain scheme of writing work and cliches. Below in the table you can see which phrases you need to enter into the text and in what order.

How to write an essay-reasoning

The main thing in composing a comprehension-reasoningstick to the writing plan. Each work must have an introductory part, which contains the thesis. The main part should include the arguments, facts and evidence of your thesis. Then the logical conclusion follows.

The composition-reasoning plan

How to write an essay-reasoning

How to start an essay-reasoning

The introductory part of the essay-reasoning ishave a clearly formulated thesis - a summary of the topic of your work. For example, the theme of the work is "World Peace". Hence, the thesis can be this: "The world is a clear sky, happy children, bright future." The continuation of the thesis will be the opening address: "Each of us wants our children to grow up happy and healthy, so that there is peace in the streets, and in the houses - comfort and well-being. But all this can change the all-destroying war, which spares no one and spares no one. Therefore, we need to make every effort to save the world in the world. "

The main part - the arguments

Arguments should take up most of yourcompositions. For a small work will be enough 2-3 arguments. The best examples are examples from their own experience, well-known facts, scientifically proven arguments.

For example, for the theme "World Peace" fitsuch arguments: "During the Great Patriotic War, more than 26 million people were killed, another 4.5 million were captured or missing. Houses were destroyed, state institutions were plundered and looted, factories, factories and enterprises did not work. It took many years of work and huge material and human resources to recover. My great-grandfather died in the war, and I know how much grief and misery my family had to endure. "

Composition-reasoning: conclusion

The conclusion should summarize all of the above,lead to logical conclusions. For example, continuing the given topic, the conclusion can be this: "Let's take care of the world at any cost, because the war has never brought people happiness. It's easier to prevent a conflict than to defend your opinion with a weapon in hand. "

How to write an essay-reasoning

Types of essay writings

There are three kinds of essay-reasoning:

  • theme-phenomenon. At the same time, the topic is given a general theme, but the author himself must open it and show it at a certain angle. For example, "The Image of Tatyana Larina";

  • theme-question. The theme of the work consists of an urgent issue, to which the author must give his answers and bring the necessary arguments, for example, "Did Anna Karenina act differently?", "Pechorin is the hero of our time or an outcast?";

  • theme-judgment. She already formulates the thesis of the essay and the author needs to find only the right arguments. For example, "Beauty will save the world", "Right actions are a pure conscience", etc.

Here is a sample of an essay-judgment on a linguistic theme.

How to write an essay-reasoning

Composition-reasoning enables the authorTo reveal their own thoughts on a given topic, to bring weighty arguments and to convince everyone of their rightness. If you take into account all these moments and adhere to the right plan, you definitely will not have any problems with its writing.

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