Effective treatment of a hoarse voice in a child
The health of the child is the first thing that excites anycaring mother. We run to the doctor at the first signs of a cold, coughing, or seeing a suspicious rash. At night, we do not sleep if the baby's fever has risen, his tummy has fallen ill or has laid a spout. There are many reasons that make a great worry for the well-being of your beloved child.
But what if the overall state of healththe child is normal, but the voice says quite the contrary? How to treat hoarseness and hoarseness of voice in childhood? What causes and diseases are the cause of this? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.
What diseases are most often the cause of hoarseness in children
The most common cause of the voiced voice area slight allergic edema of the nasopharynx, some inflammatory processes in the larynx, adenoids or the oral cavity. Often this problem is accompanied by a general increase in temperature and a touch on the tongue and tonsils.
In addition, you need to know that somedrugs can also cause irritation of the vocal cords, which in turn leads to a hoarse voice. These can be alcohol-containing cough syrups, drug suspensions, herbal tinctures, and the like.
Than to treat a hoarseness of a voice at the kid?
Before embarking on the treatment of a hoarse voiceyour child, should be shown to his otolaryngologist for a specific explanation of the cause of this problem. In case of serious disorders or diseases, the doctor may prescribe inpatient treatment with the use of antibiotics. The thing is that the "throat-nose-ears" system is one thing, and if you start inflammation in one department, it can spread to others and cause complications.
If the doctor did not reveal anything serious, thenit makes sense to give the child special rejuvenating cocktails. They are made mainly of milk and butter with the addition of honey or propolis. Prepare these cocktails as follows: in the hot milk (250 ml), add 1 tablespoon of cream or olive oil, then put into this mixture 1 tablespoon of honey or a pinch of propolis. After the addition of honey, the composition should be well stirred and dissolved lumps, only after that the cocktail can be given to the child. Such mixtures are recommended to drink daily for two weeks.
Very useful in this case are specialwarming bandages with sea salt. All you need is to sew a small bag, put salt in there, and warm it up every day in a pan until it's hot, then use a bandage or scarf to fix on the baby's neck. To go with this bandage it is necessary before its complete cooling.
In addition, it will not be out of place every evening beforesleep wipe the child's tonsils and the base of the tongue with fish oil. The fact is that this fat is able not only to repair damaged ligaments, but also to eliminate minor inflammation of the throat and oral cavity.
If these methods did not give the desired effect, thenit makes sense again to see a doctor for a more detailed examination. Do not self-medicate, because it can lead to undesirable consequences and complications, entrust this problem to a specialist.
As you have already understood, the treatment of hoarseness in the voiceA child is not a joke. At the very first signs of voice disturbance, you need to go to the hospital, otherwise you risk the health of your baby. We hope that this article will become an inspiring guide to action for you and soon your child will start talking in a sonorous, mischievous voice. Good luck and be well!