How to treat laryngitis in adults?

Laryngitis is laryngitis. If the inflammation also affects the initial parts of the trachea, the disease is called laryngotracheitis. Laryngitis in adults usually flows easier thanin children, this is due to the difference in the structure of the respiratory system. But hypothermia, smoking, breathing through the mouth, overstrain of the larynx and dusty air contribute to the development of laryngitis.
What are the symptoms of laryngitis? The most common and most obvious is hoarseness or even complete loss of voice. The patient can also feel dryness andin the throat, pain when swallowing. Laryngitis in adults can be accompanied by a dry barking cough, difficulty breathing and a cyanotic skin tone. The mucous membrane of the larynx looks sharply reddened.
All these are signs acute laryngitis, accompanying catarrhal or infectiousdisease. If you follow all the prescriptions of the doctor, laryngitis in adults passes within 7-10 days. In fact, the main task is to cure the underlying disease that caused laryngitis, and provide the larynx with complete peace.
With laryngitis, you need to talk as little as possible. Whisper is also excluded, because he also strainsvocal cords. It is also forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol, eat spicy food, seasonings, salty, too hot or cold dishes - all this irritates the larynx and prevents cure of the laryngitis. You can not breathe cold and smoky air, go out in the misty weather.
Also recommended healing procedures - this will help to cope with laryngitis more quickly. Usually the doctor appoints a warm drink (Borjomi, milk). Drinks should not be hot - it's harmful to the larynx. Also, rinse with broths of medicinal herbs (say chamomile and sage), warming compresses and bandages around the neck. If there is no heat, you can make hot foot baths.
One of the main enemies of laryngitis is warm, moist air. Cure laryngitis will help alkaline-oil inhalations. They need to be done every 2-3 hours, inhalationshould last 15-20 minutes. If possible, put in your room a humidifier. If there is no humidifier, you can turn on the hot water in the bathroom and breathe the steam.
The doctor can optionally prescribe medications, for example, antitussives or antihistamines. Do not self-medicate - if the doctor did not prescribe any medicines, then the procedures listed above should suffice.
If you often have laryngitis, acute laryngitis can develop into a chronic laryngitis. Chronic laryngitis in adults often develops asa professional illness (say, teachers or singers) or due to smoking. With chronic laryngitis, the voice quickly becomes tired, becomes hoarse, a sensation of constriction and perspiration arises in the throat.
Patients with chronic laryngitis must necessarily see a doctor: do self-medication or let the disease on its own, in no case it is impossible! The doctor will prescribe treatment depending on the coursedisease. In mild cases, inhalation, lubrication of the larynx with Lugol's solution and physiotherapy procedures may suffice. And with neglected chronic laryngitis, you may need to moxibust the solution with a solution of silver nitrate or even a surgical procedure.
Chronic laryngitis in adults (as, indeed, many other diseases) is easier to prevent than treat. To do this, it is necessary to treat acute laryngitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract that can lead to chronic laryngitis. You need to try to strain your voice less (ifhave a lot to say at work - try to give the voice a breather at least at home). General hardening and strengthening of immunity will also serve as an excellent prophylaxis for laryngitis (both acute and chronic).
Acute laryngitis can not be ignored, thinking that it will pass itself: over time, you can acquire chronic inflammation of the larynx, which will be cured much more difficult. Take care of your health!