How to switch to a mixSometimes young mothers can not do withoutmilk formula for feeding the baby. There is a shortage, a complete lack of milk or the baby just does not gain the necessary weight, so you have to introduce a formula into the baby's diet. The country of the Soviets today will tell you, how to switch to a mix the most painless way for a child.

Feeding a child with a mixture can be justified inseveral cases. Often, women already a couple of months after childbirth to feed the baby does not have enough breast milk. As a result, the child does not gain weight and lags behind in development. In such cases, pediatricians advise additionally introduce a mixture that will largely replace the mother's milk.

But still it is not necessary to completely switch to mixtures. The matter is that no matter how adapted the mixtures are, they make them on the basis of processed cow milk, and it is inferior in quality to the thoracic. Also, cow's milk often causes an allergy in children. With intolerance to cow's milk or the appearance of an allergic reaction, a child must take a mixture based on goat's milk or soy.

By the way, allergic reactions, dysbacteriosis, diarrhea or constipation often occur in children with a transition from the breastmilk or from one mixture to another. There are two reasons for such reactions. One of them is the individual intolerance of some components of the mixture. Here you can do nothing, you will have to buy another mixture that will suit your baby. Consult the pediatrician, he will tell you which of the mixtures are best for a baby of your age.

The second cause of a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract in a baby can become wrong transition to dry milk formula. It is very important to adhere to a certaina schedule for replacing milk with a mixture. Remember that the daily amount of the mixture that you give the child is calculated from the weight of the baby. On the day the child must eat 1/5 of the amount of his weight</ b>. Therefore, it is very important to weigh the baby and choose the correct amount of the mixture. Also read the recommended dosages of the mixture, they are indicated on the package.

Now, in more detail, how to translate a child into a mixture. Start with gradual replacement of milk with a mixture. First, let the baby mix only a couple of times ina week. Then once a day. Further, the amount of feedings with a mixture can be increased up to 2-3 times a day. In the first time, when you just start to feed the baby with a mixture, add the expressed milk to the bottle.

Another problem for mothers: How to switch to another mixture? If you switch from one mixture to another of the same brand, for example, when your baby has grown and he already needs a different kind of mixture, then there should be no health problems for the child. If you switch to a mixture of another brand, then you need to be more careful. To fully migrate to a new mix, you need a week:

1 and 2 days: 1 part of the new + 3 parts of the old
3 and 4 days: 2 parts of the new + 2 parts of the old
5 and 6 days: 3 parts new + 1 part old
Day 7: The new mixture

When switching to a new mixture, watch the child's reaction to it. If the baby does not eat well, sleeps, he has vomiting or allergies, immediately stop feeding with a new mixture. By the way, such reactions are most often possible at the age of up to 6 months.

By the way, when switching from milk or an old mixture to a new one it is best to give in the morning. First, the baby will be able to calmly digest the mixture during the day, and at night will not be capricious when you want to sleep. Secondly, during the day you can observe the child's reaction to the new mixture.

Be sure to adhere to the daily rate of feeding. Do not give the baby more or less mixture than it should be, otherwise the child will have diarrhea or constipation. Also note that when feeding with a mixture, the daily norm is important, and not how much the baby can eat before full saturation. If at one time the child ate more, then for the next feeding will have to reduce the amount of the mixture. And in any case, do not store the prepared mixture. The fact that the child has not finished eating can not be left for the next meal.

Now you know how to switch to a mixture, so with its introduction into your baby's diet, you should not have any problems. Carefully follow the child's reaction to new food and do not experiment with mixtures yourself. Consult a pediatrician!

How to switch to a mix
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