Feeding on demand or by hours: advice from pediatrician Komarovsky, video on feeding on demand or by watch
Most mothers always think abouta question: how correctly to feed the newborn - on demand or on hours. In most maternity homes, doctors advocate the first option, but on the network you can find video recommendations of famous pediatricians, whose opinions on this issue are absolutely contradictory. Consider the advice of the most famous pediatrician of Russia - Dr. Komarovsky.
Feeding on demand or by the hour: advice from Dr. Komarovsky

Pediatrician claims that the fundamental differencebetween the named modes of feeding are not present: both the first, and the second will provide high-grade development and normal set of weight of the kid. The point is different: can a woman survive 2-3 weeks while the infant gets used to hourly feeding, because the baby is inclined to instinctively demand the mother's breast not only for feeding, but also for soothing, feeling of protection, etc.
Komarovsky claims that a newbornprovided that he independently threw his chest (ie, gorged on), may without prejudice to health not eat the next 2-3.5 hours. At this time, a woman can leave the house on her own business: going to the store, gym, to the doctor. The pediatrician considers this to be the limit of the norm and asserts that when the newborn is fed by the clock, his mother does not harm his development and health in any way. On the contrary, it develops in the family a certain regime, when parents can find time and for themselves.
According to the doctor, if the child normally gaining weight, then at night it should not be specially awakened for feeding. The kid at this time can 5-7 hours do without food.

However, if a woman is willing toand it has such an opportunity, it is also a variant of the norm. Therefore, the doctor does not have specific recommendations: the woman herself has the right to choose that feeding regime that is convenient for her.
How to wean a child from breastfeeding
This question confronts many women,who continue to feed their child with breast milk after a year. The second question is when to wean from mother's milk? According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, breastfeeding (GV) is necessary for a child under two years of age, afterwards - at will.
How to wean crumbs from GW? For one-year-olds and older children one can choose one of the alternatives proposed by specialists:
Gradually shorten the duration of application: first for a minute, then for three and so gradually reduce the duration of feeding to a minimum.
Distract the kid. It's no secret that older children can ask for bosom because of boredom. Therefore, it is possible in the process of weaning from GW to buy a new exciting game for the child, to engage in a new kind of creativity or to read a new book.
Involve in this process family. Let the father or grandmother give more time to the child, play with him, carry on hands. One of the goals that must be achieved in this way is to teach the baby to do without a mother longer.

If there is a need for a sharpweaning the baby from the breast, my mother needs to leave for a few days from home, trusting her child to her relatives. After this period, return and with dignity to withstand the first few hours after meeting with the baby: he will insistently ask for breast, but give in to the whims of not worth it. This is the most accurate way to wean children after the year, which pediatricians find optimal for mother and her child.
How to replace breast milk after a year
During this period, most children eata variety of food: cereals, soups, meat, etc. Therefore, during this period, you can proceed to a gradual weaning from the chest. Than to replace a mother's milk - a question especially individual which decision will be prompted by the child. After all, some children easily switch to mixtures, others like shop milk, and others flatly refuse any proposed substitute for mother's breast. Pediatricians and experienced mothers offer the following options for replacing breast milk:
adapted mixtures (the manufacturer and the variety should be chosen depending on the preferences of the crumbs, the available allergy or intolerance of the components, and, accordingly, the financial possibilities);
children's milk porridge, which can be diluted to a liquid consistency and allowed to drink through a bottle;
dairy products;
goat or cow's milk (you can not boil it, you just need to warm it up to body temperature).

Decide what, when and how to feed your child,should mom with the baby, so that it was comfortable for both of them. Do not listen to the opinion of "experienced" - better than your own feelings and behavior crumbs you no one will tell you how to proceed in a particular situation.