Hyperactive children and computer games

Teachers are forced to state with bitterness thatin our time, childhood hyperactivity increasingly takes the form of a pronounced attention deficit disorder (ADHD). We insist on this purely medical term, describing the behavior of a huge number of children at home, in a kindergarten or primary school, to identify this problem from a slightly different angle.

Let us consider the most typical manifestations inbehavior of the child to whom psychologists diagnosed ADHD and comment on them from the point of view of the smallest person. In the treatment of modern pedagogical psychologists, the hyperactive child does poorly the following actions.

1. Focuses on the adult object selected. Why does no one think that the "subject of study" offered to the preschool child or the game is simply uninteresting to him, since they are chosen haphazardly and in a hurry. Neither parents, nor teachers, as a rule, do not have enough time to look for really "live" objects to satisfy the natural childish curiosity.

2. Memorizes the material offered by adults. You might think that the adults themselves store in their operative memory the entire array of information poured out on them for the day. If something seriously carries the child, the details of this phenomenon he will never forget. The task of parents and teachers is to find the right sphere of application of his activity and innate talents for a small hyperactivist.

3. Controls behavior, plans actions and predicts the results of their actions.

This, sorry, is already complete nonsense. With the same success, it is possible to diagnose ADHD for most of our home government. All children, and in the first place, hyperactive, perfectly plan the development of events in game situations. The main thing is that the games that they are imposed by adults do not cause them to reject. No psychological tests can reveal the depths of the child's strategic thinking.

List of scarce functions of a small non-attendancecan continue indefinitely: he can not sit still, and listen, and restrain emotions as prescribed. Official pedagogical science has done a great job. That's only reasonable recipes for parents did not work out. We do not know them either, but we did not in vain identify the adult attention deficit disorder syndrome. As it seems to us, to correct the hyperactivity of your children in all its manifestations, it is necessary in the same order in which you, dear parents, formed it.

And an important role is played by the gamethe environment of the child (including, and computer) and your personal presence in it. You absolutely rightly tried to attach your child to the computer, hoping that the rudiments of his future successful schooling will grow on this richest game ground, the skills of life in the information society will develop.

Correct, but perhaps not in the right direction andwithout due diligence. If your preschool child has already been listed as hyperactive (and this diagnosis, to be honest, has a psychological justification), then it's better not to wait for school problems to correct the child's play practice. Now almost all the children, the carriers of the sea, play computer games, and they are given new gadgets with enviable constancy. There remains one small question: what plays your little hyperactive little son on your tablet.

Subject analysis arbitrarily chosenwe will conduct a computer game in a separate article, here we want to give some general advice on the choice of game resources (IR) from the specialist of the Center for Children's Computer Technologies S. Kobzev.

1. Pay attention to the age-matched IR of the capabilities of the small player. Do not trust advertising or manufacturer's recommendations. Each child develops in this virtual world individually, and a game marked "for children 7 years old" may seem to your five-year-old kid boring and simple.

2. Try to find the time and yourself to lose the main stages. First, you will be aware of what the child is doing; secondly, you can always help him at a critical moment. 3. Monitor the child's positive and negative reactions to the gameplay. In time, a stopped immersion in the virtual world, if it is motivated, will protect the child's psyche from unnecessary stress.

4. Try to create the illusion of sincere empathy for the child's successes and failures. Or just sit next to him during the game, drawing his attention to important (from your point of view) moments. You look, read and count faster learn.

5. Be interested in the results achieved and, while you have enough strength, support discussion of the plot twists and turns of the computer masterpiece. It is very important for hyperactive children to share their impressions with everyone around them

.Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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