False groats in children

Croup is an inflammatory process in the larynx and trachea. The true croup is observed only in diphtheria, in which case the inflammatory process also extends to the vocal cords. A false groove (stenosis of the larynx, acute stenosing laryngotracheitis) is observed with the remaining acute respiratory diseases. In this case, the inflammation can spread up to the trachea and bronchi.
False groats are considered primarily a childhood disease, which is most often found in children aged three months to three years. This is due to features of the structure of the respiratory system in children. In childhood, the trachea and bronchi are narrower,and the shape is not cylindrical, but funnel-shaped. In addition, in the walls of the larynx, children have more blood vessels. Therefore, the child's throat is more prone to swelling, which leads to spasms and even suffocation.
False groats usually occur suddenly, most oftenan attack happens at night when the baby is sleeping. The child turns in a dream, breathes heavily, and then cough begins. False groats can be recognized by characteristic dry barking cough. There may be nausea, fever. Because of the beginning suffocation, the child lacks oxygen, so the frequency of breathing increases to 50 breaths per minute (at a rate of 25-30).
If nothing is done, the cough can gradually become more rough. Symptoms critical deterioration of the condition with a fit of croup - this is a constant salivation, blue skin (including the lips), greatly rapid breathing (about 80 breaths per minute).
Despite the fact that attacks of false groats are often unexpected, an attentive parent can, by some signs, predict their offensive. A signal that an attack may occur is raucous breath. Chrypus can be hardly audible and becomemore noticeable when the baby cries. Chryp in the respiratory tract in a calm state indicates that they began to narrow, and over time, constriction may become critical, triggering a false groove.
How to help a child with a fit of false cereal? At the first symptoms (wheezing, labored breathing, the first weak cough) you need open the window to ventilate the room, because fresh air is a source of oxygen. Take care that the air in the room is not too dry, take care of air humidification.
For a long time, the only way to treat croup was inhalation. Now this method is not the only one, but the most accessible. During an attack, do child inhalation with warm vapors mineral water or baking soda solution (1 tsp. for 1 liter of water). If you do not have an inhaler on hand, the bathroom with hot water (do not put the child in there, but simply take it to the bathroom filled with steam) or a steam humidifier can help.
If the child does not have a fever, they can help warm baths for feet and hands. Thanks to the baths, blood will recede from the larynx to the extremities, and the edema will subside. But the outside temperature should be above 40 ° C. Even during an attack it is important to give the baby copious warm drink (for example, milk with the addition of honey). You need to give a drink often, but little by little. You can give a sedative (for example, valerian), an antihistamine (for example, Tavegil) and a cure for spasms (eg, papaverine).
The most important thing - keep calm and do not panic. To the child and so it is terrible, in fact he can not normally breathe, and your anxiety only will frighten it more strongly, it can only aggravate an attack.
If the attack does not go away and is aggravated, or if the seizures are repeated again and again, the child needs hospitalization. With croup of moderate or severe degree of inhalationand warm milk is not enough, you may need an injection of adrenaline or taking antibiotics. In very rare cases, even intubation of the larynx is necessary.
False groats are always an unexpected stressful situation. Therefore, it is very important to take control of the first symptoms and provide the child the necessary assistance.