Benefits of semolina porridge

Semolina is obtained by grinding in mills of certain wheat varieties into flour. So it turns out that the meal is a coarse grindingthe same manga. Semolina is made from hard and soft varieties of wheat, although their mixture is also very often used. Mancu is often used in cooking various dishes. This includes the usual semolina porridge, cakes, creams and casseroles. But is everyone aware of the benefits of semolina porridge?
Manic Gruel is recommended for people, suffering from gastric ulcer or gastritis to relieve pain. Since the manga contains few proteins, itis very useful for people with chronic kidney failure. And the inhabitants of Tibet believe that people over 40 are required to eat at least a couple of spoons of this porridge a day.
In semolina porridge contains vitamins and minerals. However, in terms of the number of their contents, the mango is much inferior to other cereals. But there are a lot of other substances, such as starch and carbohydrates. Therefore, its recommend eating for people suffering from chronic fatigue and lack of energy. No wonder, because the calorific value of semolina is quite high: 320 calories per 100 g of product.
As you can see, there is, of course, the use of semolina porridge. Yes, even if we consider that she 100% absorbed by the body. After all, this is the only cereal that begins to be digested in the lower part of the intestine. But is semolina useful to eat it every day?
In semolina porridge very high level of gluten (gluten). This substance is a part of all cereals, except corn, buckwheat and rice. A lot of people have an increased sensitivity to gluten, and sometimes it causes allergic reactions in children.
But this also does not end the harm of semolina. After all in semolina porridge contains phytin, which causes necrosis of the villi of the intestine,responsible for the absorption of nutrients. Fitin interferes with the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron and magnesium. Especially strongly because of this, children will suffer, because they need calcium for proper development and growth of bones. And vitamin D also will not be absorbed from the food received. Therefore, if you feed your baby's porridge two or three times a day, rickets will be guaranteed.
Why do adults not suffer from this problem? Or is the use of semolina porridge undeniable only for adults? The fact is that children need a lot more calcium than an adult. Therefore, the manga in the diet of an adult will not bear such harm, as for a child's body. True, it is worth noting that with the constant use of this porridge, people develop osteoporosis.
As you can see, the harm and benefit of semolina porridge makes you wonder whether to feed the child and use it yourself? But on the other side, each product is harmful if it is used excessively. In any case, semolina is not recommendedgive children up to one year. After all, the children's body can not yet cope with the amount of carbohydrates and starch that is contained in this crop. For children up to three years, semolina can be given only in limited quantities.
Fans of this product will always find, because semolina has a gentle and mild taste. And to compensate for certain shortcomings of semolina porridge, you can add berries or dried fruits. This in fact not only improves its taste, but also gives vitamins necessary to the body. Even despite the substances that are contained in this crop, you can include semolina in your diet. From the fact that you will eat it once a week, nothing terrible with you definitely will not happen.