Teenage complexes
Adolescence is not without reason called transitional. The organism grows up, the appearance and behavior of the child change. In adolescence, children very often have all kinds of complexes, from which it is very difficult to get rid of.

In general, adolescent refers to the age of puberty, when boys and girls begin to show characteristic masculine and feminine traits. It is on the basis of changes in appearance that most teenage complexes are based.

Unconfident girls with a gloomy look in the mirror and sentence: "I am ugly, fat, I have crooked legs, small breasts, pimples on the face, boys do not pay any attention to me, etc.". They are preconfigured to the negative attitude of others, they are locked in themselves. Such complexes often cause early adolescent teenage sex. They try this way to prove its importance and attractiveness.

How to avoid such complexes? It is necessary as soon as possible to explain to the girl that in fact appearance is by far not the most important thing in life. Explain that even the most beautiful girlstoo, is hard in life, often even harder than the rest. And boys do not always prefer beautiful girls. Many girls popular with the opposite sex have far from ideal appearance, they conquer with their intellect, sense of humor, relaxedness (not to be confused with promiscuity!).

If the problems with the appearance of the girl are contrived, then seek advice from a psychologist, it will help improve your daughter's self-esteem. If some flaws in appearance do take place, then you can just choose the appropriate style of clothing and makeup, which will hide shortcomings and help emphasize the dignity.

Still very often complexes about the appearance of girls are inspired by the ubiquitous media and the Internet</ strong>. Models with glossy covers are so slim andtanned, and there is not one speck on their skin. Explain to the teenage daughter that in fact, all these photos are the result of skillful digital processing, where all the irregularities and folds can easily be retouched.

Your daughter wants to be as slim as a Hollywood actress and then immediately takes on a diet of her own? Tell us that diet is stress for the bodyand as soon as its term is over, all the kilograms will return, and even with a "makeweight". After all, after stress, the body many times more actively begins to stock up on fats for the next "rainy day". Better advise the child to do physical exercises or sports to their liking. Sport is always healthy.

Incidentally, not only girls, but also boys, are affected by complexes with respect to their appearance. Boys in no less, and sometimes even more,degrees tend to worry about the development of their secondary sexual characteristics. They complex, if they lag behind in this plan from their peers. A teenage psychologist can help a boy cope with the complexes.

Adolescents' packages are awarded and spectacles or dental braces. Because of the ridicule of peers teenagersrefuse to wear "this ugliness," even to the detriment of their health. As an option, you can offer a teenager with vision problems wearing contact lenses instead of glasses, the benefit of choice is huge. And braces can also be picked up and installed so that they are less visible. Try to prove the adolescent at the same time, that health is first of all. A healthy person even looks better than a sick person, but dressed and decorated in the latest fashion.

In addition to complexes with respect to appearance, adolescents also often suffer from complexes due to their financial situation, in other words, poverty. If at school all children are dressed better, have mobile phones and computers, and your child does not, then consider a couple of complexes in your pocket. All children want to be no worse than their peers, so sometimes they are even embarrassed to admit their poverty. Explain to your son or daughter that your family does not have material wealth, not because you do not want it, but because so there are life circumstances. Remember that if you give a teenager to a privileged school where the children of wealthy parents are studying, then both your clothes and accessories are needed for your child, otherwise complexes can not be avoided. Always carefully weigh how much benefit and how much mental suffering a teenager will bring to such a school.

What can teenage complexes turn out into? Some teenagers become self-absorbed, becomevery shy, and others, on the contrary, rude to everyone in a row, impose their opinions on everyone, try to assert themselves. Many teenagers, experiencing self-doubt, prefer the computer to communicate with peers, the virtual world completely replaces for them the real one.

Teenage complexes are the cause of many ill-considered actions. Self-affirming teenagers try with the help of alcohol, smoking, drugs, sex. As early as possible, start explaining to a teenager thatsuch methods of self-assertion are not an option. No relationship to adulthood, drinking alcohol or smoking "grass" is not. Yes, and sex secretly from parents somewhere in a dirty trick (in the woods, at the dacha, at a friend in the apartment - the right thing to emphasize) will not bring anything good, but only the risk of infection and early pregnancy. Remember that a teenager is an almost adult person, a competent conversation about sexual relations will not cause, as many fear, unhealthy interest, but help a teenager to understand this issue, separating the truth from stupid myths.

Being a teenager is not easy. Bursts of hormonal activity, restructuringan organism, new sensations and a constant change of mood - this is only a small part of what a teenager experiences during puberty. Support your child, because he still needs your love and care, even if he does not want to admit it. After all, who said that it's easy to be parents?

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