Lack of potassium in the body
For normal functioning, our body needs micro- and macronutrients, which we get with food. One of the important macroelements is potassium. Lack of potassium (hypokalemia) can lead to quite unpleasant health problems.

Potassium is necessary for normal functioning of soft tissues in the same way that calcium is needed for bones and other hard tissues. Potassium is a part of all intracellular fluids. Potassium is very important for maintaining normal intracellular pressure, and he does it in conjunction with sodium: Simply put, potassium acts on the inner walls of cells, and sodium - on the outer walls. Observance of the sodium-potassium balance is important for maintaining the normal functioning of the nerves and muscles (including the heart muscle), as well as for normalizing the water balance.

Also Potassium in the body is associated with magnesium: it supports the concentration of magnesium and helpsit has physiological functions (magnesium is necessary for normal protein synthesis). Usually the lack of potassium in the body is accompanied by a lack of magnesium.

The lack of potassium is usually manifested in fatigue, weakness in the legs, muscle pain. In severe cases, there may be more serious symptoms (paresis of the muscles, respiratory disorders). A lower potassium level increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems.

Why there is a lack of potassium? The obvious answer is: because we do not get enough of this macrocell with food. But this answer is correct only in part. Usually our body is able to cope with the fact that we do not receive potassium from food, unless it is a question of hard diets. The lack of potassium arises if the inadequate intake of potassium from food is combined with too much excretion of it from the body.

The increased need of an organism in potassium is observed at a vomiting, a strip, plentiful diaphoresis, use of diuretics: potassium comes out of the body with the liquid. Therefore, in the hot season and with some diseases the body's need for potassium increases, and if you do not eat enough potassium-rich food, a potassium deficiency may develop.

Potassium deficiency can be triggered physical overload, emotional stress,drinking alcohol, coffee and sweets in large quantities, the adoption of diuretics, grueling diets, as well as a number of diseases, from hypoglycemia to kidney problems.

If you get tired all the time, maybe it's not the lack of sleep, but the lack of potassium in the body. In this case, you need to see a doctor: he will determine whether you really have hypokalemia, and not some other disease. Perhaps he will recommend you to take potassium preparations, but in most cases with a lack of potassium helps to fight the inclusion in the diet of potassium-rich foods.

Potassium is a lot in fruits and in green vegetables. Of course, the most famous fruit that canboasting a high content of potassium, are bananas. But this is by no means the only source of potassium for our body. A lot of potassium in melon, dried fruits, kiwi, avocado, citrus, grapes, broccoli, sweet potatoes, potatoes, beans, spinach, cucumbers, carrots, parsley, asparagus, horseradish, garlic, black currant, cabbage, radish, tomatoes. Potassium is also found in fish, liver, dairy products, chocolate, nut oil, rye bread, oatmeal and millet.

However, it is not enough to just use these foods: potassium should be absorbed. Assimilation of potassium contributes to vitamin B6, but alcohol complicates this process. In no case, one can arbitrarily, without the appointment of a doctor, take potassium supplements: an excess of calcium in the body (hyperkalemia) is no less dangerous to health than its lack.

A balanced diet and a healthy lifestylewill help to prevent a lack of potassium in the body. But if you still suspect that your body does not have enough potassium before putting on bananas, always consult a doctor and give blood for analysisto make sure that your suspicions are correct.

Lack of potassium in the body
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