How to avoid mistakes in education
It's no secret that every mom wants a child to grow up obedient. Raising a child is a huge work, requiring parents time and patience.
How to avoid mistakes in this difficult matter?
Do not talk and show the child that you do not care. From the point of view of some parents it is a goodA way to teach the child independence and prepare him for adulthood. But, according to psychologists, this position is incorrect. The child will most likely become interested in whether the parents really care what he does. And he will check this well-known way to him - consciously performing obviously bad deeds. In such a situation it is better to explain to the child that in this particular situation, you do not agree with him, but at any moment are ready to come to the rescue, because you love him.
You do not need to promise a child that you will stop loving it for misconduct. This is a very strong means of education, sinceall children are afraid that they will cease to love. However, you still can not fulfill this promise, and the child will quickly feel the deception. Next time he just will not believe you. Try in case of misconduct to explain to the child that you do not approve of his actions, but still love him.
There is no need to go to extremes: too pamper or vice versa keep in extreme severity. With excessively strict upbringing, whenthe need to do so, and not otherwise, is dictated only by the parental authority, the child is difficult to understand why it is necessary to do so. A child can be obedient at home, but far from parents, it will most likely be anyway to do it your way. Therefore, try to convince the child to do the right thing, and not to pressure him. You can ask him to fulfill your request now, and later in a calm environment to explain why it was needed.
When a child is allowed to do everything, histhe slightest whim, then he grows unfit for the world, where not everything happens at his will. If you do not want such a future for your child, then try not to do everything for him, but only offer him your help.
Do not forcefully record your child at once in several circles. Many parents seem to suffer their unfulfilledchildren's dreams for their children. They are ready to record their children for ballet, music lessons, and karate lessons only because they themselves wanted it in childhood, but they could not. Try to listen to the opinion of your child. If you see that your child simply does not cope with the load, then it may be better to let him play in the yard with the children. Childhood is very, very short!
Do not write off the shortcomings of education for lack of money and time. No matter how trite it sounded, but love formoney can not be bought. Parents, especially those who in the childhood themselves suffered because of a material disorder in the family, believe that their children will buy anything they want. Or, which often happens, parents buy children more and more new toys, as if apologizing for the lack of time. But often such children and the toy is not in joy, but just really want to be together with mom and dad - it's always the most expensive people for him.
You should not succumb to a bad mood. It often happens that parents scold and"Saw" the child is not for his misdeeds, but simply because they have a bad mood. Any troubles at work or in the relationships of parents should not affect the child. It happens that parents, when they are outraged by the child, then feel guilty and smooth their guilt with toys and gifts, allow the child to do what is usually forbidden. Of course, the existing character can not be altered, but it is possible "to put all the points above and" in advance and explain to the child that, despite your mood, you love him in the same way, but that does not mean that you will allow him pranks.
Of course, the process of raising each child is individual. It is important to always remember that the main thing for a child is your attention, caring, affection and love. Then it will be easier to achieve success in raising your child!