Child's day regimen up to a year
Is the regime of the day necessary for a child up to a year? Around this issue,subsided: someone thinks that the child should be accustomed to a strict order from birth, others prefer a "floating" schedule, when the baby eats and sleeps not according to some rules, but only on his own.
Today, doctors no longer insist on strictly-hourly alternation of sleep, wakefulness, feeding - as it was a couple of decades ago. On the contrary, feeding on demand is considered more useful for the baby, and for the mother. Besides, well, what kind of mother will starve her child, waiting for the time?
Feeding on demand entails, of course, a free alternation of sleep and wakefulness, because often the baby falls asleep right during feeding. So it turns out, the regime of the child's day before the year should be free? Not really.
The regime of the child's day before the year is important. The newborn baby acts as yet in accordance with his reflexes, the development of which directly depends on the time intervals between feeding, waking, sleeping. Day regimen helps the child to calm down, feel safe, because children like a certain frequency of actions.
The regime of the child's day to the year varies 3 times: at approximately 3, 6 and 9 months. This is due to the development of the baby and his changing needs for sleep, the amount of food received.
Newborns sleep most of the day (about 20 hours), waking up only forfeeding. During this period it will not be possible to accustom the child to any regime - yes it is not necessary. By three months, the need for sleep decreases, the child is awake longer, actively learns the world around.
Approximately six months in the diet of the baby is usually introduced lure, the number of feedings is reduced, the periods of the child's activity become even longer. Beginning from 9-10 months, the child sleeps an average of 15 hours a day, awake 2.5-3.5 hours. The number of feedings at this age is 4-5 times.
Usually, children often feel the regime of the day very well and parents only need to support this regime. Even 2-month-old babies can already ask to eat and go to bed at a certain time. Kroha himself tells mom when it's time to act - and my mother knows very well the peculiarities of her baby's behavior.
The regime of the child's day to the year is not only the alternation of feeding, wakefulness and sleep, but also the observance of certain rituals before bed, during the morning procedures. Morning and evening hygiene procedures Is a kind of preparation of the child for those orother actions. After the evening bath, the child realizes that it is time to sleep, night has come. Morning same procedures set up the child for active activities, signify the onset of a new day.
That's just The order of morning and evening procedures is better to adhere to constantly: try to put the child to sleep and wake him upat the same time. Of course, you can not exclude possible deviations from the routine. For example, when a child is too excited (because of the plethora of experiences of the day), he probably will not be able to fall asleep on time.
To force to observe a mode of day of the child about one year it is not necessary. Violence is always harmful. For example, trying to put a child to sleep, whose body does not need sleep at the moment, can only lead to stress. If the baby does not show a desire to sleep - it's better to put the putting aside for half an hour-hour.